Le Poignard
We all know I'm obsessed with not using the mouse, right?
Or maybe I'm obsessed with not switching between keyboard and mouse!
I'd like to introd...
4 years ago
"Whether perceived or real, in certain places, the sun shines a little brighter, grass grows a little greener, the air breathes a little more pure, and life lives a little more real. So it was in the Realm of Possibility." -- Crown of the Summerhavens
We had one several years ago in the field next to my home. We see a lot of them here in Oklahoma but when they are coming towards you it’s freaky. We grabbed the camera and started filming ‘cause that’s how Okies roll.
It's a cool photo and disturbing yes
That is a totally amazing shot, Rich. The church right across the street from us got part of their roof blown off. Ours was spared, thank God.
Oh! A shameless commercial for you and Ken: Brett Butler, the former MLB All-star, will be speaking at our church this Saturday. Come to West Huntsville Baptist at 8am for a men's breakfast and hear him -- all for free! He and his wife will be with us Sunday morning, too. Consider yourself invited.
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