In my Sunday School class, we're discussing the Trinity -- right, one God, three persons, three-in-one. Question:
What is the best explanation you've ever heard that describes the Trinity?
Fire away!
Le Poignard
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I'd like to introd...
5 years ago
I think the Cherry pie analogy is probably the best:
Cherry pie is made up of three principal parts:
1> Crust
2> Cherries
3> Goo (aka filling).
If any of these three parts aren't there, then you don't have Cherry Pie.
If you were given any one part of the above three, you might be able to guess what it was. If you were given two of these parts, the guess would even be better. But to know Cherry pie as it is meant to be known, you must have all three parts.
If you cut into a pie, it is nearly impossible to separate the three parts and if you try, you will be disappointed with the taste and experience.
Just as God is complete in the Trinity. Each of His three wonderful parts is rendered incomplete without the compliment of the other two.
You can know the Son, and guess that He is God. But experiencing The Father, The Son, AND The Holy Spirit is to really know God.
God Bless
Let me know when you find one.
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