You made our first installment of Favorite Spots big, 44 comments large. But if you somehow missed it, bang here. To recap, the theory is that you guys have been there, done that all over the country and beyond. And this is your chance to share your favorite spots. Try to be as specific as possible on the location of your favorite spot, as if one of our readers was headed there tonight.
Your favorite spot can be an attraction, a quaint cafe, a lovely meadow, or as we showed last time even a make-out spot.
Good luck and thanks for all the fish.
1. Never been to Colorado, I plan to someday.
2. Connecticut -- been to Hartford on a mission trip the year I graduated from high school - many moons ago. It was weird wearing a windbreaker at the end of May and I got my first taste of birch beer. Not much else to say about that state.
3. Delaware - never been there, but my sister and family were stationed there with the Air Force.
4. Florida. Ah Florida. Lots of great beaches down there. Cape Canaveral, shuttles, and all the Nasa stuff. Pensacola with it's sugar white beaches and the neat air museum down there. St. Augustine is beautiful and chock full of history sites to see. We did the trolley tours for a day and had a blast. I drank from the 'fountain of youth', but it hasn't worked. lol. Of course there's Disney World and Sear World. Great places to take the family. (if you're rich) While I was growing up, we went mostly to visit family in Mims, Titusville, and Melbourne.
5. Georgia- Six Flags!!! I'm a roller coaster junkie, so that's my fave part of Georgia. But Georgia also has Dahlonega. What's there? Gold mines, of course. I spent many happy hours there with my family, panning for gold. You buy a big bucket of black dirt, put bits of it into a pan, swish it around, and wait for the gold bug to bite. :o) Can't say much about the food, but we do have a memory we trot out once and a while to gross out my lil sister. We stopped at a DQ and amongst my sister's french fries was a french fried fly! Eww!
Okay. That's enough from me.
Those dolphins are awesome!
Will be back later with specific spots.
Did I mention the absolute awesomeness of pictured dolphins?
Quaint town of Delphi, Greece. I loved it. And the nearby ruins of Delphi are breath-taking. In the best movie of all time "300" that is where King Leonidis went to consult the Oracle. I am going to retire there. Situated on the side of a mountain overlooking the Med Sea.
Man this is a toughy!
I love vacationing in North Georgia, and I have fond memories of visiting my best friend in Alfereta Springs (sp?) (I think it was off Holcumb Bridge Blvd. wasn't it?)
Connecticut is actually beautiful for a few months out of the year.
Deleware is the lowest of this group, but man there are some great spots there too.
I live in Florida so I must recuse myself from voting for it. I will say that the best feature of Florida is not its beaches, but actually its sunsets. They are the prettiest I have every witnessed.
In the end it is Colorado that gets my nod. I love going out there in the summer. I love winter there: the mountains are simply majestic. Denver is a strange city: you look to the east and it is flat as a pancake, but if you look west, the mountains just rise out of nowhere.
Still all of these states are winners in my book.
God Bless
Colorado – This is one of my favorite states (and my home away from home). My two favorite spots would have to be Pikes Peak and the Royal Gorge…both are absolutely beautiful. I also enjoyed Garden of the Gods, the US Olympic Training Center, Cripple Creek, and Mt. Evans. Another beautiful spot in Colorado is Keystone, where I “learned” to ski.
Connecticut – Never been there
Delaware – Never been there
Florida – I enjoyed “The Redneck Riviera” as a college kid on spring break. Destin & Pensacola are also great vacation spots. I love the food and atmosphere at Peg Leg Pete’s in Pensacola.
Georgia – My wife and I really enjoyed Savannah a couple of years ago. We loved checking out all the shops, restaurants, and especially the candy kitchens on River Street. We also enjoyed the downtown trolley tour. I would also recommend Tybee Island & Tybee Lighthouse (a short drive from Savannah).
Love Fish Lips around Cocoa Beach. It's a fun place to eat.
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