Oh, to finish and not just to start. Let me rundown the number of partially read books scattered across my room at the moment:
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde
The Edge Chronicles: Beyond the Deepwoods by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell
The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander (reading to my kids)
The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis (also reading to my kids)
Luke for Everyone by N.T. Wright
The New Testament and the People of God by N.T. Wright
and I just purchased
Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli
Saving DaVinci by Annie Laura Smith (recently published)
as well as the Romans (Part One) for Everyone and the John (Part One) for Everyone by NTW, a four-in-one hardback of C.S. Lewis books, and a while back I purchased Desiring God by John Piper but have yet to open it...
...which is waaaaaaaay too many open (or potentially opened) books for me at one time. I need at least some focus. Finishing all these will take TIME and in combination with keeping our new blog current (not to mention a couple/three things called a wife, children, and career that take priority as well) could pose a potential risk for taking time away from writing our novel. I'm gonna have to watch it.
Thankfully, I do get some "finishing fulfillment" just from reading Green Eggs and Ham, Goodnight Moon, Amazing Spider-Man # 522, and Sandra Boyton books to my kids. That's one good thing: at least when I pick up Curious George I can see the light at the end of the tunnel as soon as I start. Maybe I ought to stick with something like that for while.
Le Poignard
We all know I'm obsessed with not using the mouse, right?
Or maybe I'm obsessed with not switching between keyboard and mouse!
I'd like to introd...
4 years ago
Oh, my God! The Legend of the Christmas Chicken is even funnier the second time. Thanks for posting it and also for your help with my writing. You guys are okay, I mean for a pair of author want-to-bes...
Cheers! Jamie (From Auburn University and the State High School Swimming Championships!)
Hey Wanda!
Ken really recommended it as well, but then he said the follow-up books weren't as good. I like the idea, however, and Thursday Next is a good protagonist. Still, of all of them, the one I'll probably finish first is Milkweed (and I haven't even started it yet) because Spinelli's so easy to read. But even that might be a while.
I'm trying. I really am. Just too many hot irons right now. But I'll definitely take the recommendation under consideration. Thanks for the Eyre-plug. [I know, that was baaaaad.]
We're dying for a catch-up. Have you finished reading any of these books.
Also, Wanda what happened to "snooty1"?
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