First, I'd like to try Evil Ken.

Of course, I'm not evil like that, so maybe something heroic would work better. What about Ken the Eagle?

Really, though, neither villian nor hero fit my personna. I think this one does a better job of capturing me:

Naaaaaah. In the end, cartoons really don't work. What about the real deal? I mean, who am I really? Isn't this really my Maslowian actualized real self?

Nope. None of those. I've got to be me. This is the one:

Put it there pretty please!
Why not post a photo of Ken?
Have you been drinking? Your name isn't Ken.
This post doesn't make any sense, and I already have a user profile picture.
Though the album cover is classic, the rest scream of a frantic flurry of Google searches on the word "Ken".
I don't get it. Every one of the pictures that I posted is a loving representation of some aspect of your likes or personality. Yet, you act offended. I'm at a loss.
BTW, you're allowed to rank the pictures too, if you like. I believe in democracy.
I'm confused... I need some clarity. I think the last Ken would fit though.
Have you been drinking? Your name isn't Ken.
My answer for both is: I want to be.
I don't get it. Every one of the pictures that I posted is a loving representation of some aspect of your likes or personality.
And every picture I posted is a picture representing the name of the guy that so "lovingly" represented me.
Yet, you act offended.
Nope. Just playin' around.
I'm confused... I need some clarity. I think the last Ken would fit though.
Better to stay confused, but... Ken was playing around posting aspects of me, like I say "Buzzards" every once in a while as a mild oath, or I have gray hair, or my Dolphin hero Dan Marino looks like David Hasselhoff (sp?)... and asking which picture would people want by my name.
Personally, if I'm to have a picture representing me, it'll be a loving aspect of the name of the person who is pushing me to have a picture by my name. My name will be Rich, and I'll have a picture of "Ken" by that name. It'll work well for the front half of the Pearce & Story back half. Plus, I think it would be hilarious - and certainly a conversation piece for P&S, albeit, maybe too much of one.
Clear? And I agree, the last pic would represent me well, regardless of Ken feigning being at a loss and that none of this makes sense. He knows me well, and he gets it, despite him claiming the contrary.
If I had a pic of me. I'd want it to be something like a ragged and torn up picture of Jesus. I am very far from perfect and pristine, but I am trying to be more like Him every day.
God Bless
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