But knowing him like I do, I know that he won't ever get around to actually choosing one. And he certainly wouldn't want to use an actual photo of himself. That's just our lovable Mr. Pearce.
So, we need to help him.
Your mission is straight-forward. Below you will find five potential user profile pictures. Rank them from Most Rich to Least Rich.
Then, I've got the dubious task of hand-holding and cajoling to get him to upload it onto his profile.
Good luck to all of us. It's a worthwhile cause.


I don't really know, but the pictures are hilarious. :-)
Okay *-*
See, all of the comments above have a user profile picture except yours, Richard.
I'll go ahead and give my ranking but don't let it bias what your heart tells you:
I think you should go for Rich's two biggest heroes: Dan-The-Man Marino and The-Hoff.
Now that's funny!
God Bless
I think you should go for Rich's two biggest heroes: Dan-The-Man Marino and The-Hoff.
Now that's funny!
Awwwww Rich! You say the nicest things!
Oh, Doug, and oh, Ken!
You guys know I love you. I could never really say I "hate" anyone - there's just no one I do. Not even close, really. And you two, I love. Totally and entirely. Really, I'd only even joke that way with people that I truly love and that I think know me pretty well.
Not only that, I laughed my arse off when I first read Ken's friggin' post. This post is hilarious, in an inside joke way, and I accepted it as that from the get-go. I just thought I'd play around and fire back. For those that thought I was serious, I apologize.
Now that everybody can feel absolved from hurting Rich's feelings, let's get those rankings in.
Dude needs a picture to be able to call himself a full-fledged member of the blogosphere.
I like the last one. It reminds me of Lloyd Alexander's masterpiece. Go for that one!
I'm gonna figure this out, and when I do, maybe I'll like the picture.
Nice picture. Turns out a little cajoling was all it took.
I rest my case.
I rest my case.
To my knowledge, there's no one who enjoys stating that phrase more than you, so congratulations!
Rich rest's his case.
God Bless
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