Well true believers, I never thought I'd see the day, but it's upon us. And even Galactus is shakin' in his boots at the implications.
In case you missed the shockwave that swept through a couple different universes and don't know what I'm talking about, here it is:
BOOM! ZAP! CRAACK!! Hakuna Matata!!
If this rocks your world like it does mine, take a deep breath, think of the possibilities, and let me know what you think. If you're a Disney fan or a Marvel fan, is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Personally, I'm kind of excited about the epic Captain Hook vs. Wolverine battles we're sure to see. Not to mention The Incredibles/Fantastic Four team-ups.
I thought that the fantastic four 'was' the Incredibles.... my bad.
God Bless
I wonder what's more beloved here in The Realm (Disney is worldwide, obviously), all things Disney or all things Marvel comics?
Just wondering.
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