In that corner was Ken.
Ken is now dead. That has to be the reason he's not posting. As I told Dugalug before (and he dared to mock - at his own peril):
Fear the Rich
Sorry if you were cheering for the other guy. If so, you lost.
(By the way, is that a mansierre on Ken in the picture over there on the right? Is that a skirt and high heels on Ken? Now, I almost feel bad for doing him in... naaaaaaaaaah.)
Just so you know. You don't scare me a bit... as I continue to mock your silliness. You may be able to run faster, but Lord help you if I do, indeed, actually catch you.
As for Ken's demise. I am hoping that your rumors of his demise are greatly exagerated. Afterall, I did finally figure out the IV post (though a little slower than it should have been). And where would all my wit and charm go in posts like this? I submit to you: nowhere!
Sincerely, you unfearful and ever-faithful friend,
You got the IV post. What do you mean? What was there to get> I must be denser than everyone.
Oh no! Ken's undead!
Was that like 'Boooo!!!' I scared you or 'Boooo!!!' this post stinks? Because, for the record, you don't scare me.
As far as this post stinks... well you might have a point there.
This was a beautiful and clever post, Doug... what are you talking about???
First, I don't think I've ever posted a picture likeness of Ken that's as close to exact as this one.
Second, coming after the X v. S post, the R v K has clever written all over it.
Then, we've commented before about how readers enjoy short posts. Cha-ching!!!
Lastly, aside from the high heels (Ken only wears flats), everything in this post was factual. Especially the part about Doug being in peril.
Is your name 'Ken?' I think not. Just hold your horses there joke-boy. That is why I put 'Ken' at the top of the post. I wasn't look for comments from the Peanut gallery... Ken is fully capable of answering on his own. If I would have put 'Rich' on the top, then, and only then, would your comments hold weight. What I wanted was a comment from Ken, what I got, was a comment from you.
In addition, since I have never met Ken, it is hard for me to say that this is, in fact, a likeness at all to him. I can safely say it is not a likeness of you. You would never be caught dead (literally) in a yellow mansierre and green high heels. Please tell me that you at least drew it yourself. That you just didn't come accross it on the 'net' and drop it onto your blog.
Neither you, nor Ken scare this little guy, and I wouldn't say such things if I were you!
Your last comment was moderately funny, and I use the word "moderate" in the most liberal possible way... take it to mean: even though it may not have been funny at all, we'll pretend like it was so not to offend a member of our reading audience -- that kind of meaning for the word "moderate."
To add insult to insult, then you go and make a statement that means, in effect, that Ken can answer for himself when you and I both know Ken only comes on this blog every third month to answer questions, and he misses most of them.
In case you were wondering, I've got more. Like: If my comments "hold weight" anywhere close to the way my body seems to "hold weight" then you've missed the mark there, too, my friend.
And: I've seen Ken. This is as good a likeness of Ken as you're going to get from me.
There. Now I feel better. Consider yourself handled, Doug.
I stand corrected: apparently Ken can only 'mostly' answer for himself. There is a big difference between answering for yourself and 'mostly' answering for yourself.
Cary on, since I must conclude that Ken is probably in some fetal position sucking his big thumb about now.
'Handled!' My eye!
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