Taglines appear at the bottom of movie posters and in movie trailers. Taglines can sell the premise of a film, they can tease you with excitement, sex, violence, and scares, or they can just be funny. Collected below are the the famous and infamous, the funniest, and most groan-inducing taglines Hollywood ever wrote.
(Obviously, you can go to the site and cheat, but why not test yourself against the rest of The Realm to see who is the movie tag line king or queen? And, sadly, we'll also find out who the movie tag line joker is as well.)
Update: Since I don't grade on a curve and all The Realm denizens seemed to be failing, maybe I tested too hard - sorry Millie, since you've already looked. So now I'm including some hints.
1) A comedy about fear of commitment, hating your job, falling in love and other pop favorites. Hint: Top 5 lists
2) A Masterpiece Of Modern Horror Hint: Red rum
3) A nervous romance. Hint: A neurotic, New Yorkian director
4) A tale of murder, lust, greed, revenge, and seafood. Hint: Listed as a favorite comedy on my Side-splitter post
5) All his life, Ray Kinsella was searching for his dreams. Then one day, his dreams came looking for him. Hint: Sports movie
6) Can two friends sleep together and still love each other in the morning? Hint: High maintenance Meg
7) Coming To Save The World This Summer. Hint: Ernie Hudson
8) Don't Go in the Water Hint: Dun-dun-dun-dunt... Dun-dun-dun-dunt... Dunt-ta-Dunt-ta Dunt-ta, Dunt-ta... DUN!
9) Ever wanted to be someone else? Now you can. Hint: A second John Cusack movie on this list so far
10) Everyone has one special thing. Hint: Markie Mark
11) Family Isn't A Word... It's A Sentence. Hint: Royalty
12) Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. Hint: "Brooks was here." then "Red was here."
13) Five Criminals. One Line Up. No Coincidence. Hint: codepoke's comment
14) Five Total Strangers Team Up For The Perfect Crime.They Don't Know Each Other's Name. But They've Got Each Other's Number Hint: Tarantino
15) He is afraid. He is alone. He is three million light years from home. Hint: Ow-oooch
16) He Saw The World In A Way No One Could Have Imagined. Hint: Jennifer Connelly was in it.
17) His whole life was a million-to-one shot! Hint: A. Creed
18) How the future began. Hint: T.. R.... S....
19) In space no one can hear you scream. Hint: Dallas, Parker, Brett, c'mon this one's too easy
20) In Vietnam The Wind Doesn't Blow. It Sucks. Hint: War movie that's not Platoon
21) It's the hottest day of the summer. You can do nothing, you can do something, or you can... Hint: Mars Blackman
22) Just because they serve you doesn't mean they Like you. Hint: 16 year olds' minimum pay gig
23) Leisure Rules Hint: Ben Stein's first movie
24) Love Kills Hint: S & N
25) Man is The Warmest Place to Hide. Hint: Kurt Russell Sci-Fi
26) Mischief. Mayhem. Soap. Hint: Brad Pitt
27) Never give a saga an even break! Hint: Mel Brooks
28) Never let her out of your sight. Never let your guard down. Never fall in love. Hint: Cheesy songstress. Cheesy actor.
29) No One Gets Away Clean Hint: Don Cheadle's in it
30) Not every gift is a blessing. Hint: I See Dead People (there's a gimme now)
31) On The Air. Unaware. Hint: Not The Mask
32) Paul Sheldon used to write for a living. Now, he's writing to stay alive. Hint: Bates
33) Tea At Four. Dinner At Eight. Murder At Midnight. Hint: Dame Maggie Smith
34) The Day We Fight Back Hint: Firecrackers
35) The first casualty of war is innocence. Hint: _____, Halt!
36) The greatest fairy tale never told. Hint: Farquaad
37) The Man... The Music... The Madness... The Murder... The Motion Picture... Hint: Falco
38) The most devastating detective story of the century! Hint: Bob Woodward
39) The Story That Won't Go Away Hint: Magic bullet
40) The Ultimate Trip. Hint: This date and its journey has come and gone
41) They have a plan, but not a clue. Hint: Clooney
42) They stole his mind, now he wants it back. Hint: Governor of California
43) They're young... they're in love... and they kill people. Hint: They're outlaws
44) This time it's war Hint: Believe It or Not
45) We are not alone Hint: Which kind?
46) We could tell you what it's about. But then, of course, we'd have to kill you. Hint: Poitier
47) You Won't Believe Your Eye. Hint: Mike
48) In The Game Of Seduction, There Is Only One Rule: Never Fall In Love Hint: Dangerous Liasons of the Teenage Kind
49) This Summer, Evil Meets It's Moose. Hint: Boris & Natasha
50) If you see only one movie this summer, see Star Wars. But if you see two movies this summer, see... Hint: SNL
51) Be afraid. Be very afraid. Hint: Goldblum
52) Be Unafraid. Be Very Unafraid. Hint: Snadler's imp
53) Be Afraid. Be Kind of Afraid. Hint: Right Raggy
54) It's 4 A.M., do you know where your car is? Hint: Harry Dean Stanton
That's it. Just 54 of them, but at least it's enough for everyone to get at least some of them. I don't think anyone will get them all. Some of them are a little obscure, but most of them are movies you're probably aware of. Also, which one do you think is the best of all these, and which one is the MOST groan-inducing. Put all your answers in the comments so we can see just how movie-smart you are.
Have fun!
Doggone, Rich!
6. That's the most I think I can find, and some of those are just deductions. "Five Criminals. One Line Up. No Coincidence." sounds like the Usual Suspects, but I don't remember enough to be sure (and that IS one of the 6.)
An awful lot of those taglines make me want to see the movie, though.
I'll be back.
I got 8. I don't get into movies like I use to. I checked my answers. It's 8.
I don't think I could get even 20 of these.
Oh dear ... I seriously have no idea. I am a movie illiterate then.
But at least Be afraid. Be very afraid. sounds almost familiar but still ... no idea!!
Golly. I think I'll go edit the post and throw in some hints. If Doug's only getting 20 then I know something's wrong.
Be back in a while.
I warned you:
OK. Here we go!
Ones I know:
8) Don't Go in the Water Hint: Dun-dun-dun-dunt... Dun-dun-dun-dunt... Dunt-ta-Dunt-ta Dunt-ta, Dunt-ta... DUN! - Jaws. No hint needed here.
9) Ever wanted to be someone else? Now you can. Hint: A second John Cusack movie on this list so far - Being John Malkovich. The hint moved this one up one notch.
1) A comedy about fear of commitment, hating your job, falling in love and other pop favorites. Hint: Top 5 lists - Whoops. High Fidelity. The clue on 9 moved this from "not a clue" to "Ones I know."
19) In space no one can hear you scream. Hint: Dallas, Parker, Brett, c'mon this one's too easy - Alien, but the hint makes me fear I'm wrong. I don't remember the crew's names.
26) Mischief. Mayhem. Soap. Hint: Brad Pitt - I needed the hint, but now I'm ashamed I know it. Did not like this movie.
28) Never let her out of your sight. Never let your guard down. Never fall in love. Hint: Cheesy songstress. Cheesy actor. - Bodyguard. I know, I know, but it was way better than Fight Club.
29) No One Gets Away Clean Hint: Don Cheadle's in it - Crash. Needed the hint.
30) Not every gift is a blessing. Hint: I See Dead People (there's a gimme now) - No doubt on the hint! I was leaning all wrong on this one. I accidently figured out the twist on this one before I ever entered the theater. Made it a different movie.
31) On The Air. Unaware. Hint: Not The Mask - Needed the hint on the Truman Show. Even after Maeghan referenced it in one of her posts somewhere.
32) Paul Sheldon used to write for a living. Now, he's writing to stay alive. Hint: Bates - The clue was helpful on Misery, but I figured it out the first time around.
34) The Day We Fight Back Hint: Firecrackers - Independence Day. Had this one.
13) Five Criminals. One Line Up. No Coincidence. Hint: codepoke's comment - guess I can claim this one.
49) This Summer, Evil Meets It's Moose. Hint: Boris & Natasha - Bullwinkle! I missed this one. :-( All clue..
Ones I might know:
6) Can two friends sleep together and still love each other in the morning? Hint: High maintenance Meg - Sleepless in Seattle?
11) Family Isn't A Word... It's A Sentence. Hint: Royalty - Tennenbaums. I was going to guess something else, but for the hint.
38) The most devastating detective story of the century! Hint: Bob Woodward - All the President's Men? All hint.
Ones I might guess right:
5) All his life, Ray Kinsella was searching for his dreams. Then one day, his dreams came looking for him. Hint: Sports movie - Field of Dreams?
16) He Saw The World In A Way No One Could Have Imagined. Hint: Jennifer Connelly was in it. - The hint says Daredevil.
20) In Vietnam The Wind Doesn't Blow. It Sucks. Hint: War movie that's not Platoon - Almost has to be Hamburger Hill, if the generation is the same. - No. Full Metal Jacket makes much more sense. "What is your major malfunction?!"
27) Never give a saga an even break! Hint: Mel Brooks - History of the World?
36) The greatest fairy tale never told. Hint: Farquaad - This has got to be Princess Bride, but I don't have the names memorized.
40) The Ultimate Trip. Hint: This date and its journey has come and gone - 2001?
41) They have a plan, but not a clue. Hint: Clooney - Three Kings?
42) They stole his mind, now he wants it back. Hint: Governor of California - Arnie lost his mind? Total Recall, I guess.
44) This time it's war Hint: Believe It or Not - Another Aliens movie, right?
45) We are not alone Hint: Which kind? - ET - Whoops. Close Encounters. Good clue. Made me think.
50) If you see only one movie this summer, see Star Wars. But if you see two movies this summer, see... Hint: SNL - SNL? I thought this movie was by Pixar. I loved the ad campaign. But what was the movie? Monsters, INC?
53) Be Afraid. Be Kind of Afraid. Hint: Right Raggy - OK. Scooby Doo. All clue.
Ones I should guess wrong:
3) A nervous romance. Hint: A neurotic, New Yorkian director - By Woody Allen, I assume?
7) Coming To Save The World This Summer. Hint: Ernie Hudson - An Ernest movie?
12) Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. Hint: "Brooks was here." then "Red was here." - Blue Lagoon?
15) He is afraid. He is alone. He is three million light years from home. Hint: Ow-oooch - Alf did a movie?
22) Just because they serve you doesn't mean they Like you. Hint: 16 year olds' minimum pay gig - Flipping Burgers or something like that?
43) They're young... they're in love... and they kill people. Hint: They're outlaws - Bonnie and Clyde?
51) Be afraid. Be very afraid. Hint: Goldblum - J Park? If so, it's all clue.
Ones I have no clue on, even with the hints!:
2) A Masterpiece Of Modern Horror Hint: Red rum
4) A tale of murder, lust, greed, revenge, and seafood. Hint: Listed as a favorite comedy on my Side-splitter post
10) Everyone has one special thing. Hint: Markie Mark - I think I know Markie Mark, but that don't help at all.
14) Five Total Strangers Team Up For The Perfect Crime.They Don't Know Each Other's Name. But They've Got Each Other's Number Hint: Tarantino
17) His whole life was a million-to-one shot! Hint: A. Creed
18) How the future began. Hint: T.. R.... S....
21) It's the hottest day of the summer. You can do nothing, you can do something, or you can... Hint: Mars Blackman
23) Leisure Rules Hint: Ben Stein's first movie - I know Ben Stein, but that's about it.
24) Love Kills Hint: S & N - Wow. That's some hint. For someone. :-)
25) Man is The Warmest Place to Hide. Hint: Kurt Russell Sci-Fi - Great tagline!
33) Tea At Four. Dinner At Eight. Murder At Midnight. Hint: Dame Maggie Smith
35) The first casualty of war is innocence. Hint: _____, Halt! - I feel like I should know this one, but.....
37) The Man... The Music... The Madness... The Murder... The Motion Picture... Hint: Falco - Assuming "Nick Falco", and it still doesn't help me at all.
39) The Story That Won't Go Away Hint: Magic bullet
46) We could tell you what it's about. But then, of course, we'd have to kill you. Hint: Poitier - Heat of the Night?
47) You Won't Believe Your Eye. Hint: Mike
48) In The Game Of Seduction, There Is Only One Rule: Never Fall In Love Hint: Dangerous Liasons of the Teenage Kind
52) Be Unafraid. Be Very Unafraid. Hint: Snadler's imp - The one where Adam Sandler plays the devil's son?
54) It's 4 A.M., do you know where your car is? Hint: Harry Dean Stanton
And for most "groan inducing", there is no contest.
In The Game Of Seduction, There Is Only One Rule: Never Fall In Love
1) A comedy about fear of commitment, hating your job, falling in love and other pop favorites. Hint: Top 5 lists
Office Space?
2) A Masterpiece Of Modern Horror Hint: Red rum
The Shining
3) A nervous romance. Hint: A neurotic, New Yorkian director
Annie Hall?
4) A tale of murder, lust, greed, revenge, and seafood. Hint: Listed as a favorite comedy on my Side-splitter post
A Fish Called Wanda
5) All his life, Ray Kinsella was searching for his dreams. Then one day, his dreams came looking for him. Hint: Sports movie
Field Of Dreams
6) Can two friends sleep together and still love each other in the morning? Hint: High maintenance Meg
When Harry Met Sally
7) Coming To Save The World This Summer. Hint: Ernie Hudson
Ghost Busters
8) Don't Go in the Water Hint: Dun-dun-dun-dunt... Dun-dun-dun-dunt... Dunt-ta-Dunt-ta Dunt-ta, Dunt-ta... DUN!
9) Ever wanted to be someone else? Now you can. Hint: A second John Cusack movie on this list so far
Say Anything?
10) Everyone has one special thing. Hint: Markie Mark
11) Family Isn't A Word... It's A Sentence. Hint: Royalty
The Royal Tanembaums
12) Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. Hint: "Brooks was here." then "Red was here."
13) Five Criminals. One Line Up. No Coincidence. Hint: codepoke's comment
The Usual Suspects
14) Five Total Strangers Team Up For The Perfect Crime.They Don't Know Each Other's Name. But They've Got Each Other's Number Hint: Tarantino
Resevoir Dogs?
15) He is afraid. He is alone. He is three million light years from home. Hint: Ow-oooch
16) He Saw The World In A Way No One Could Have Imagined. Hint: Jennifer Connelly was in it.
A Beautiful Mind
17) His whole life was a million-to-one shot! Hint: A. Creed
18) How the future began. Hint: T.. R.... S....
The Right Stuff
19) In space no one can hear you scream. Hint: Dallas, Parker, Brett, c'mon this one's too easy
20) In Vietnam The Wind Doesn't Blow. It Sucks. Hint: War movie that's not Platoon
Apocolypse Now?
21) It's the hottest day of the summer. You can do nothing, you can do something, or you can... Hint: Mars Blackman
22) Just because they serve you doesn't mean they Like you. Hint: 16 year olds' minimum pay gig
23) Leisure Rules Hint: Ben Stein's first movie
Fast Times At Ridgemont High?
24) Love Kills Hint: S & N
25) Man is The Warmest Place to Hide. Hint: Kurt Russell Sci-Fi
26) Mischief. Mayhem. Soap. Hint: Brad Pitt
27) Never give a saga an even break! Hint: Mel Brooks
Life Stinks?
28) Never let her out of your sight. Never let your guard down. Never fall in love. Hint: Cheesy songstress. Cheesy actor.
29) No One Gets Away Clean Hint: Don Cheadle's in it
Ocean's Eleven?
30) Not every gift is a blessing. Hint: I See Dead People (there's a gimme now)
The 6th Sense
31) On The Air. Unaware. Hint: Not The Mask
32) Paul Sheldon used to write for a living. Now, he's writing to stay alive. Hint: Bates
33) Tea At Four. Dinner At Eight. Murder At Midnight. Hint: Dame Maggie Smith
Gosford Park?
34) The Day We Fight Back Hint: Firecrackers
Born on the 4th of July
35) The first casualty of war is innocence. Hint: _____, Halt!
36) The greatest fairy tale never told. Hint: Farquaad
37) The Man... The Music... The Madness... The Murder... The Motion Picture... Hint: Falco
38) The most devastating detective story of the century! Hint: Bob Woodward
All The Presidents Men?
39) The Story That Won't Go Away Hint: Magic bullet
40) The Ultimate Trip. Hint: This date and its journey has come and gone
2001 A Space Oddesy?
41) They have a plan, but not a clue. Hint: Clooney
Oh Brother Where Art Thou
42) They stole his mind, now he wants it back. Hint: Governor of California
Total Recall
43) They're young... they're in love... and they kill people. Hint: They're outlaws
Young Guns?
44) This time it's war Hint: Believe It or Not
45) We are not alone Hint: Which kind?
Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
46) We could tell you what it's about. But then, of course, we'd have to kill you. Hint: Poitier
47) You Won't Believe Your Eye. Hint: Mike
48) In The Game Of Seduction, There Is Only One Rule: Never Fall In Love Hint: Dangerous Liasons of the Teenage Kind
49) This Summer, Evil Meets It's Moose. Hint: Boris & Natasha
Rocky And Bullwinkle
50) If you see only one movie this summer, see Star Wars. But if you see two movies this summer, see... Hint: SNL
Team America
51) Be afraid. Be very afraid. Hint: Goldblum
The Fly?
52) Be Unafraid. Be Very Unafraid. Hint: Snadler's imp
Little Nicky
53) Be Afraid. Be Kind of Afraid. Hint: Right Raggy
Scooby Doo?
54) It's 4 A.M., do you know where your car is? Hint: Harry Dean Stanton
Oops forgot the most groan-inducing:
Be Afraid. Be Kind of Afraid
Okay, #31 has to be The Truman Show and I think #47 is Monsters Inc. I mean Mike Kazowski (or whatever) had the one eye, right?
with her .02
Alright, here's the ones that at least someone (who I've listed parenthetically) commenting has gotten so far:
1) High Fidelity (codepoke)
2) The Shining (Dugalug)
3) Annie Hall (Dugalug)
4) A Fish Called Wanda (Dugalug)
5) Field of Dreams (codepoke & Dugalug)
6) When Harry Met Sally (Dugalug)
7) Ghostbusters (Dugalug)
8) Jaws (codepoke & Dugalug)
9) Being John Malkovich (codepoke)
11) The Royal Tannenbaums (codepoke & Dugalug)
13) The Usual Suspects (codepoke & Dugalug)
14) Reservoir Dogs (Dugalug)
15) E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial (Dugalug)
16) A Beautiful Mind (Dugalug)
17) Rocky (Dugalug)
18) The Right Stuff (Dugalug)
19) Alien (codepoke & Dugalug)
22) Clerks (Dugalug)
26) Fight Club (codepoke)
28) The Bodyguard (codepoke)
30) The Sixth Sense (codepoke & Dugalug)
31) The Truman Show (codepoke & wanda v.)
32) Misery (codepoke & Dugalug)
33) Gosford Park (Dugalug)
34) Independence Day (codepoke)
36) Shrek (Dugalug)
37) Amadeus (Dugalug)
38) All the President's Men (codepoke & Dugalug)
40) 2001: A Space Odyssey (codepoke & Dugalug)
41) O Brother, Where Art Thou (Dugalug)
42) Total Recall (codepoke & Dugalug)
43) Bonnie and Clyde (codepoke)
44) Aliens (codepoke & Dugalug)
45) Close Encounters of the Third Kind (codepoke & Dugalug)
47) Monsters, Inc. (wanda v.)
49) The Rocky and Bullwinkle Movie (codepoke & Dugalug)
51) The Fly (Dugalug)
52) Little Nicky (Dugalug)
53) The Scooby Doo Movie (codepoke & Dugalug)
Looking at the list, Dugalug is close to a genius. What did you get on your SAT scores, Doug? A 1320 or something like that? codepoke carried some weight as well. Millie, did you get any of the unanswered ones when you first took the quiz. If so, which ones? And Wanda, $.02 is in the mail to you for getting Monsters, Inc. all by your lonesome (codepoke guessed that, too, but on the wrong tagline).
Still 15 to go. Do you guys want more clues, are you done with this, or should we wait for others to come along... which is always a risky proposition around here?
Wow! My guesses weren't that bad! Okay here are a few more guesses:
#10) Boogie Nights
#12) The Shawshank Redemption?
#20) Full Metal Jacket?
#21) Summer Of Sam?
#23) Ferris Bueller's Day Off
#25) Soldier?
#27) Space Balls?
#29) Traffic?
#46) Shoot To Kill?
#54) Christine?
You are correct on:
#10) Boogie Nights
#12) The Shawshank Redemption?
#20) Full Metal Jacket
#23) Ferris Bueller's Day Off
#29) Traffic
And don't worry about missing # 25. It ain't no thang!
Okay I think I see where you are going here.
#25) The Thing
Nice work, Doug! How did you ever get that one???
It was thew utter brilliance of your clues... Actually most of these I got from the clues.
I'm spent! And I am amazed that you pulled our scores together like that, Rich.
Way to go DugALug!
Thanks codepoke!
#50) Austin Powers #2?
Okay I'm spent too. Here are some thoughts:
Isn't Mars Blackman spike lee? I don't think I have seen an entire spike lee movie in my life.
I don't get the S & N Clue
Harry Dean Stanton: this really does sound like Christine.
That's about it for me.
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