William Shakespeare was Dog # 2. Thank you for playing.
Perhaps an easier contest coming your way soon. Such as: What the X is the 24th letter in our English alphabet? Or better yet, what is the fourth whole integer in a numeric line starting with the integer 1? But we'll see. We've got to get a contest here that somebody gets right sometime.
So keep on playing and please, please, please ignore my sarcastic barbs. As we know, only little, tiny, spineless, amoeba-like blog hosts throw sarcastic barbs at the very people nice enough to comment on their ridiculous posts.
Which one of these dogs is named William Shakespeare? DON'T CHEAT!!!



MANY CAN WIN!!! Few will enter.
Will let you know who wins sometime before eternity starts. I think.
Many can win, few will enter.
3 & 4 are the only 2 ugly enough for the name.
I am gonna go out on a limb here.
I see that dog #2 is covering things. I am gonna guess that they are bones.
The last two lines on Will's tombstone read:
Blest be the man that spares these stones,
But cursed be he that moves my bones.
Hence I could pick number 2!
Not so fast,
To thy ownself be true. Truer words never spoken, and we know by all acounts, that the Shakemeister had hair problems. He was quite bald by age 45
hence I could pick number 4!
You think I'm through? Hardly!
Shakespeare was, in fact, a writer, and we all know that writers use only black and white.
Hence I could pick number 5!
Nay, old man, I have only started:
William's wife was 8 years his senior and they were married for over 35 years (Until his death). He was loyal without fail and Beagles are very loyal.
Hence I could pick #3!
But when I read his work, it never gets old. It's youth springs eternal.
So, in the end, I must pick #1.
My guess is number 4 because he's so distinguished looking.
the blind
DugALug certainly has a way of seeing things! I will hold onto Wandav's coattails, and see where we end up.
Alas, poor Yorkie. I knew him well.
#3: he has the most intense look - hmmm... more like a writer...
#1 too playful and is that a smirk on his face?
#2 too plain lazy to be a writer
#4 looks quite dorky to me
#5 would be my second choice
#6 looks quite lost
I think you're wrong, Rich. It's number 4.
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