In this installment, I give you ZeroFlush, the most efficient urinal in the world!
They may not teach spelling at Warren Wilson, but the girls in Pluming sure seem happy about ZeroFlush. And who can blame them?
They can do it just like the boys now. Or at least the girl on the right looks to have mastered it. Kudos ZeroFlush!

Why no mention of Frank's Diner in the post? the Zero Flush seems to be working for Frank as well.
I few years ago, I used these things in Israel. Let me just tell you that they are awful. They always stink and along with the odor comes 'odd' condensation on your windows.
Run away boys (and girls) Run away!
We have the Zero Flush in the building where I work.
It's fine for cerain kinds of (ahem) bodily voidings.
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