1) Movie theater Junior Mints vs. Movie theater Goobers
2) Trip to the Beach vs. Trip to the Mountains
3) Elliptical Machine vs. Treadmill
4) Spring vs. Autumn
5) Milk Chocolate vs. Dark Chocolate
6) Interstate vs. Scenic highway
7) Savage tan vs. SPF50
8) Being sad vs. Being scared
9) 2 ten dollar bills vs. 1 twenty dollar bill
10) Birkenstocks vs. Crocs
11) Bad odor vs. Bad taste
12) Ripped pants vs. Wet shirt
13) Belching vs. Flatulence
14) Chicken salad sandwich vs. Tuna salad sandwich
15) Classic styles vs. Trendy styles
16) Old friend vs. New friend
17) Dolphin vs. Porpoise
18) Water slide vs. Roller coaster
19) Jules Verne vs. Robert Louis Stevenson
20) Goatee vs. Soul Patch
21) Being the recipient of a thoughtful gesture vs. Being the recipient of a compliment
22) Nap on the couch vs. Nap in a hammock
23) Holidays vs. Vacation
24) Aisle vs. Window
25) Slapstick vs. Wit
26) Logic vs. Emotion
27) Whipped cream vs. Cool Whip
28) High School Reunions vs. Family Reunions
29) ALF vs. ET
30) Canadians vs. Australians
31) Gifts vs. Gift Certificates
32) Jet skiing vs. Water skiing
33) Yardwork vs. Housework
34) Ostentatious vs. Precocious
35) Phone call vs. Email
36) Winning the lottery vs. Finding buried treasure
37) Sweating vs. Shivering
38) “Oh no, you di-unt.” vs. “Don’t even go there.”
39) Blue ink vs. Black ink
40) Ukelele vs. Bag pipes
41) Rainbows vs. Sunbeams
42) The sound of your own voice vs. The way you look in photos
43) Extremely firm handshake vs. Extremely weak handshake
44) Runny nose vs. Nagging cough
45) Packing vs. Unpacking
46) A hole in the toe of your sock vs. A hole in the seat of your underwear
47) Zoos vs. Botanical gardens
48) Trip to the dentist vs. Tax day
49) Awkward comment vs. Awkward silence
50) Too much Rich vs. Too little Rich
Wait a minute. Were #49 and #50 redundant?
1) Junior Mints
2) Trip to the Mountains
3) Treadmill
4) Autumn
5)Dark Chocolate
6)Scenic highway
7) SPF50
8) Being sad
9) 1 twenty dollar bill
10) Birkenstocks
11) Bad odor
12) Wet shirt
13) Belching
14) Chicken salad sandwich
15) Classic styles
16) Old friend vs. New friend I like both but I’ll hold on to my Old friends
17) Dolphin
18) Roller coaster
19) Jules Verne
20) Soul Patch
21) Being the recipient of a compliment
22) Nap on the couch
23) Vacation
24) Window
25) Wit
26) Emotion
27) Whipped cream
28) High School Reunions I haven’t seen those folks in years
29) ALF
30) Canadians vs. Australians (Not taking sides)
31) Gift Certificates
32) Jet skiing vs. Water skiing None of these. Not a water gal.
33) Housework
34) Precocious
35) Phone call
36) Finding buried treasure
37) Shivering
38) “Oh no, you di-unt.”
39) Blue ink
40) Bag pipes
41) Sunbeams
42) The sound of your own voice
43) Extremely firm handshake
44) Runny nose
45) Packing
46) A hole in the seat of your underwear
47) Zoos
48) Trip to the dentist
49) Awkward silence
50) Too little Rich
Wait a minute. Were #49 and #50 redundant. Is this a real question?
"Oh no, you di-unt."
The first, but I'm sure not the last, preference for less Rich. This is obviously your lucky week then. ;-)
Wasn't a real question. Just a thinly-veiled jab at the R-man. (Much like above.)
Interesting that you prefer bad odor to bad taste, but belching over flatulence.
You are an enigma shrouded in mystery and wrapped in a riddle, Milly. But the Diabolical Genius sees all.
Not taking sides on Canadians vs. Australians? Hmm. So you clearly side with the Swiss then.
More detailed analysis to come.
I couldn't possibly fit all this in one comment, so I posted at http://familyhoodchurch.blogspot.com.
Welcome back to the web!
Thank you sir for the kind words and benevolent allotment of the precious space here at The Familyhood Church. It's touching that your metaphoric oil pan runneth over.
It's good to be back. And I'm sure in the coming months (if I know the Righteous Madman like I think I do) we'll catch you up on some of the roller coaster journey of the last 3 years. Hopefully, we will bring as much to the blogsphere as you are.
45? Wow, you are a lot younger than Rich. Wouldn't have guessed it from your relative maturity levels.
Your answers are classic just like your style. And they have revealed everything.
I will now and forevermore picture you as a cold, sweaty, pale man with a soul patch dressed in a wet shirt, Birkenstocks, and a kilt (with potentially no underwear) playing the bag pipes on a mountainside covered in heatherrrrr and crying as the sunbeams spotlight your performance. I'll wonder why God made me look at that, but then I'll realize that somehow it made me feel better.
Plus my sides will probably still be hurting from the chuckle your ukelele answer gave me. "What are you doing awake?" HA!
I added my reasons on my blog
50) Too much Rich is never enough. How 'bout that?
Milly... Ken...
....revenge is a dish best served cold.
[The rest... pffffft (for now)... except Dolphins over Porpoises until they start calling 'em the Miami Porpoises.]
Bye for now!
Ummm…..I’m sorry Rich Kevin is a better man.
I just wanted the question clarified. I was allowed to ask the attorney to rephrase his question when I was on the stand. I needed more stress in my life. Now I have to worry, look over my shoulder, and jump every time I hear an odd noise. Wait I do that now. I have got to get those locks changed.
Ummm…..I’m sorry Rich Kevin is a better man.
You've set the bar pretty low for Kevin there, Milly. Of course he's a much better man!!! Who isn't?
All the same, it wasn't too much Rich vs. too little Kevin. It was too much Rich versus too little Rich. And boyoboy did you fill in the wrong blank there.
Yes! All those little noises and shadows you think you see... you know who they are now.
[Oops... awkward comment. Now, Awkward silence.]
Aaaaah, just joking. Thanks for taking the time to fill out Ken's laundry list, anyway. By the time you got to number 50, I'm fairly certain you were bleary-eyed and having delusions by that point.
Wait! Is this an example of too much Rich?
Oooooooooh. Now I get it.
Okay --> For the record #50 is the dumbest question of all. It is like Christopher Walken exclaiming that 'We need more Cow-Bell!' Can't get enough of my compadre! Rich rocks! (Ken you are alright too)
1) Movie theater Junior Mints
2) Trip to the Mountains
3) Both are losers
4) Autumn
5) Dark Chocolate
6) Scenic highway
7) SPF50
8) Being scared
9) 2 ten dollar bills
10) Birkenstocks
11) Bad odor
12) Ripped pants
13) Belching
14) Chicken salad sandwich
15) Classic styles
16) Old friend
17) Porpoise
18) Roller coaster
19) Jules Verne
20) This is a joke right?
21) Recipient of a thoughtful gesture
22) Nap on the couch
23) Vacation
24) Window
25) Wit
26) Emotion
27) Whipped cream
28) Family Reunions
29) ET => Both can go home
30) Australians
31) Gift Certificates
32) Jet skiing
33) Yardwork
34) Ostentatious
35) Phone call
36) Finding buried treasure
37) Sweating
38) “Don’t even go there.”
39) Blue ink
40) Bag pipes
41) Rainbows
42) The sound of your own voice
43) Extremely firm handshake
44) Runny nose
45) Unpacking
46) A hole in the toe of your sock
47) Zoos
48) Tax day
49) Awkward silence
50) Too much Rich
I’m sorry Rich Kevin is a better man.
Milly, I don't know Rich Kevin, but I'm sure he must be a nice guy to get such praise from you. And there is no need to apologize: you are among friends! ;)
God Bless
Can't get enough of my compadre! Rich rocks! (Ken you are alright too)
Ken, do we give away any prizes for the best comments ever on this blog? If so, Doug has just won the Top Comment Ever category in a landslide. The "Ken you are alright too" is simply perfect. Well, now that I think about it, that may have been a tad over the top. Something more along the lines of "Ken, you are an average guy on your better days, if I need to say a little something about you, too" -- now THAT would have been perfect.
Excellent, excellent comment Doug!!!
I just love great commenters!!!
To clarify what I meant and didn’t type well. I was saying that I apologize to Rich and that Kevin is a better man than Milly is for that comment.
So instead of this I’m sorry Rich Kevin is a better man. I should have said I’m sorry Rich.
Kevin is a better man than me. He’s never given birth after several long hours of pain twice. Yep he’s da man. *-* Who’s wanting awkward silence now?
Um and if that’s you in the house please don’t tell anyone about the mess. Hey I’m a single parent with a job and lots of stuff to do, then again you know that. . . . if you are in the house.
We do need more Cow-Bell!
Hey Ken is Doug your fav.?
I think we need more Ken
To clarify what I meant and didn’t type well. I was saying that I apologize to Rich and that Kevin is a better man than Milly is for that comment.
So instead of this I’m sorry Rich Kevin is a better man. I should have said I’m sorry Rich.
Kevin is a better man than me.
A few things here. Doug is precisely correct. You're among friends here, and it's all in good fun. That is, except for the stuff I say about Ken that I'm 100% serious about. With you, it's all lighthearted jest.
Also, like I think you're alluding -- and unless I'm really off -- Kevin's a man and you're not, so you'd be right to say he's a better man than you, but in the same breath you could say you're a better woman than him. And that sounds more positive :).
Um and if that’s you in the house please don’t tell anyone about the mess. Hey I’m a single parent with a job and lots of stuff to do, then again you know that. . . . if you are in the house.
Let's just say unwanted intruders would prefer the houses in which they trespass to have a little more spit and polish. I almost tripped on the pile of clothes that should have at least been in the corner. Work on that, will ya?
I think we need more Ken
Yo, Ken! I mentioned the Top Commenter Prize well-deserved by Doug's money comment above. Here, Milly, conversely, appears to be going for the booby prize we should be awarding for Absolute Worst Comment Since Blog Inception.
Do we have a rubber squid or something we can send Milly for this one?
To be fair and to give one of your posts even one more comment:
1) Junior Mints
2) Either's good. If I have to choose for life, mountains.
3) Huh? Protractors versus the sworn enemies of Don Quixote? Guess I'll go with the mills.
4) Autumn
5) Milk Chocolate
6) Interstate - hate transition time
7) Didn't Sheryl Crow have her 45 on? Good enough for me.
8) Being sad
9) 1 twenty dollar bill
10) Crocs
11) Bad taste
12) Depends where the rip is
13) That's no choice
14) Trick question. Anything with mayonaise is poisonous and kills.
15) I'll go with Crocs again
16) A friend is a friend if he/she's a true friend. Time doesn't matter.
17) Dolphin (War MIAMI DOLPHINS!!!)
18) Water slide
19) Robert Louis Stevenson
20) Please shave
21) Being the recipient of a compliment (for me, it's always, always, always blow smoke up my rear and I'm one happy boy)
22) Nap in a hammock
23) Holidays (and use some vacation days to extend)
24) Window
25) Wit, although in movies, I love slapstick
26) Spock vs. Kirk - c'mon. Kirk.
27) Whipped cream - and squirt it straight into your mouth
28) Family Reunions
29) ET
30) Can't we all get along?
31) Gifts
32) Skiing
33) Leisure, but yardwork over housework if the yardwork is mowing. Melikes mowing.
34) Those are big words
35) Email - writing always wins (have you ever heard the convoluted crap I leave on voice mail when I try to articulate a simple point?)
36) Finding buried treasure
37) Sweating
38) "Talk to the hand cuz the ear ain't listenin'"
39) Black ink
40) Bag pipes, but ukes are cool, too
41) Rainbows, but sunbeams are more warming
42) In the photo, am I back in high school football making a spectacular catch? I'll take that one.
43) Extremely firm handshake (would anyone choose the other?)
44) Anything over nagging
45) Packing
46) A hole in the seat of your underwear
47) Zoos
48) How about a trip to the neuro-surgeon? That would be better than either of your choices. But I'll go with the dental unit.
49) Awkward silence
50) Abstain... as I live with too much Rich. How do you propose I get too little Rich. Change the name on my birth certificate to Fred Meyers?
That is you I heard breathing and tripping!
I purchased a couple of laundry baskets and two new hampers. (As you can see)
Heh! I really did have laundry all over a pile on the floor, one in the chair, and a basket full in the laundry room.
That isn’t even the dirty stuff in the hampers and on the floor from camp.
Do you need for me to plug in a night light?
And as for Kevin I ain't afraid to burp.
You love me.... You really love me!
We all love you Doug!
Just for the record. (The record for post comments, that is).
Milly is the best smelling. Kevin is way cool. Doug is alright himself. And Rich is the bestest, smartest, most perfectest friend in the whole wide world. Hey, it's the Realm of Possibility, right?
BTW, should I give my answers to the Versus quiz or just continue analyzing yours?
Just for the record. (The record for post comments, that is).
This Versus post has done a good job, but I think it still has a ways to go.
Milly is the best smelling. Kevin is way cool. Doug is alright himself. And Rich is the bestest, smartest, most perfectest friend in the whole wide world. Hey, it's the Realm of Possibility, right?
Now, you're being facetious.
BTW, should I give my answers to the Versus quiz or just continue analyzing yours?
Both. And then give us the right answers.
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