I guess I'll see you in a couple of weeks or a month from now when you post again.
Very prophetic if nothing else, don't you think? Anyway, what I thought we could do in the comments is all write something down to say how much we miss Ken here in The Realm of Possibility and how much we'd like him back. Well, to be quite precise, you can tell him anything you want (within reason). I mean, if you don't actually miss him, but you do think he's an egg-head, feel free to tell him that. I will. Just nothing over-doing it - you guys know what I mean.
Now, this is one of those feel-good posts that has, sadly, an off-chance to be a feel-bad post. If no one comments to Ken, I'm sure his feelings will be quite hurt, and then, one wonders, how long he might stay away from The Realm after that.
So let's hear it for Ken!!!
Great picture!
What can I say, if Ken doesn't love us enough to get over having a life, I guess I will just have to respect him.
Ken did make that great Red Check post and apologize for well... you!. If you see him, tell him that I am sorry for whatever I said to make him go away too!
Tell him to say hello to Brett in that place we call Realm-absentness!
You're the best!!
Don't let the naysayers get you down. Just keep on being you, 'cause you're the best you I know.
I agree. No matter how often you stop and post, it's always a delight.
I guess I pile onto the Love-Fest. You're pretty sexy for a fat man with one eye.
Oh yeah, and smart, too.
I don't know if I can agree with the last commenter, but you certainly smell better since you started bathing a couple times a week.
My favorite post was "Poopy doopy". What ever happened to it?
The Realm could sure use more of that kind of insight.
Ditto commenter number three.
Why am I always the last to hear about everything?
If you're dead, let me know.
If there's one thing I learned over in Pyongyang, it's blog at your own pace, not someone else's.
Stick it to the Man!
Ken for President!
Ken for President!!
If that means more poopy doopy, I'm all in.
ABBA Rules!!
Unfortunately, the lunatic fringe of your support team (like the last two commenters) gives the rest of us a bad name.
I'd just like to say good job, and I hope you kick Rich's fat a
When I think of all that you've meant to the Realm of Possibility, it reminds me of a Bill Mallonee song... SNORT... (Coke out of nose)... sorry, I couldn't type that with a straight face.
thanks for being an oasis in the Realm's desert.
I believe I speak for all of us when I say, "ipso factum habeas Ken".
WAR KEN!!!!!!!!!
This post was such a good idea.
Who's Ken??
Never mind the last guy. He's clearly a Rich suck-up. Wait a minute, isn't that redundant?
You're an egghead.
Rich's mother
Your writing inspires me.
That whole train of thought rocks!
War Dang Ken!
I've been going back into the archives and re-reading your posts just to get through the day.
Hurry back.
Ah thank yore graet
I still cry whenever I think about Rich's stupid rain song post getting more comments than your timely, pithy, and thought provoking piece on the Garden of Eden.
He's so petty it makes me sick.
Ace, Peter, and the other guy from KISS wish you the best!!!
happy slappy, slappy happy, happy slappy
The worst thing about you're being gone for so long, is it means that we're one day closer to you coming back.
We'll give you a raise and a signing bonus if you'll just come back.
Realm Mgmt.
I heard Ken had a hot little blog over at 72.180.456.780.
After this little post-barrage, I must add that you have way too much time on your hands not to post on your own blog. You little cheeky-monkey.
I checked it out. And it is WAY HOT!!
I'm headed over there now, if you wanna go.
What color is gatorade??
Every time you go away, you take a piece of me with you.
Paul Young
You had me at Hello.
chick from Jerry Maguire
spank you, spank you very much.
Ace @ Venturi
24 more to most popular.
Keep it going, ya old goober.
Are you a little tuckered out from all of that typing? You rest big-boy. Mommy will bring you a cookie and a cup of milk real soon.
I won't be missing you for long if you plan on being at the critique meeting Wednesday night...
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