ee (twenty-five for Auburn University) days until college football starts and thirty days until the start of the National Football League, which means if you're a fan of either one or both, the tingles up and down your spine have probably already begun. I graduated from Auburn in '89, so obviously, I'm a fan since I started back in 1985. Additionally, and more importantly to me, I've been a Miami Dolphin fan since conception. And there's been some major league living and dying with both of my teams. Since all my family are Dolphins' fans, I'll just let you imagine the time spent on talking/phoning/e-mailing all things Dolphins year after year and many days of that year. I won't say just how much, lest one think I've slipped into idolatry.
But I digress... like Opening Day in Major League Baseball, the dawn of each new seas
on brings high hopes -- at least until that first loss, at which time disillusionment sets in -- for every team out there, because you.just.never.know. On top of that, this is The Realm of Possibility, where we'll entertain all things possible! In light of that, I want to give anyone out there the chance to give a shout out to their personal teams, and if you want to, let us know what you think their chances are this year.
Let's hear it for your teams!
[Additonal sidenote: the magnificent pictures rendered on this post depict the Pro Bowler Ronnie Brown, both in his collegiate and professional career, thundering over any opposition that stands in his way, as he is apt to do.]
[P.S. - CRITICALLY IMPORTANT NOTE: If you happen to be a New England Patriot, New York J-E-T-S, or Buffalo Bill fan or a supporter of the University of Alabama, LSU, Universities of Tennessee, Florida, and Georgia football programs, then...
...nothing to see here. Please move along quietly, if you can.]
[Ed. Note: Will add team helmets to the bottom of this post for all comments supporting a team... sigh, even Alabama fans]

But I digress... like Opening Day in Major League Baseball, the dawn of each new seas

Let's hear it for your teams!
[Additonal sidenote: the magnificent pictures rendered on this post depict the Pro Bowler Ronnie Brown, both in his collegiate and professional career, thundering over any opposition that stands in his way, as he is apt to do.]
[P.S. - CRITICALLY IMPORTANT NOTE: If you happen to be a New England Patriot, New York J-E-T-S, or Buffalo Bill fan or a supporter of the University of Alabama, LSU, Universities of Tennessee, Florida, and Georgia football programs, then...
...nothing to see here. Please move along quietly, if you can.]
[Ed. Note: Will add team helmets to the bottom of this post for all comments supporting a team... sigh, even Alabama fans]

From "you know who" :)
As a fellow obsessive fan of both the Miami Dolphins and the Auburn Tigers (and of the game in general), I can't wait! The NFL preseason opened on Sunday and, every year, it's a great feeling to wake up on the day of that game and know a new season is bearing down on us.
But nothing has quite the same feel as the opening weekend. It used to be that the first big Saturday of college football and the opening Sunday of the NFL would fall on the same weekend. That doesn't always happen anymore (it won't happen this year), and it's a shame.
It's almost embarrassing to admit this, but I'm simply a more content individual once football season kicks off. I'm not necessarily happier on a week-to-week basis, because I am (irrationally) deeply invested in the outcomes of certain games. But I love the sport. I love watching games. I love seeing great performances. Football is the ultimate team game. No sport is as reliant on consistent team execution. In a typical NFL game, at least 40 players per team are likely to contribute. In a typical tightly-contested college game, it might be closer to 50. Strategy is more important in football than other sports. And football is uniquely ours. Only the Canadians, our North American neighbors, have come up with a workable variation - and, in their predictably Canadian way, they've come up with a variation that is merely a pale, fey imitation of the original. That the rest of the world doesn't "get" American football is just further proof that America is different and better than the rest of the world.
Anyway, Go Dolphins! War Eagle! It's going to be a great season!
From "you know who" :)
Oh brother. Good grief. Geez Louise. Heavens to Mergatroid. Would you believe this? Grrrrrrr. Jiminy Crickets. Yeesh. Acid indigestion and heartburn. Gimme a break. Boyoboy. What's the deal? Mother of pearl. Pfffffft. Buzzards, double, and triple buzzards. This hurts my stomach. Man alive. In all my life, I never. Hurts to hear. Can somebody bring me a bucket?
J/K Pamela! All smiles!!! Although, as you well know, I do hope Nick Saban loses every game he ever coaches in, but just until the end of time. Nonetheless, I'm glad you're excited.
You got spirit, yes you do, you got spirit, how about... me?
Go Jackets!!!
Go Pats!!
Add the helmets, Mr. Pearce.
Love the helmet. Thanks Rich!!!
Go Jackets!!!
Go Pats!!
Add the helmets, Mr. Pearce.
I'll add the Jackets, but since the "Go Pats!!" comment was just plain jack@$$erry, I AIN'T ADDING THE PATS!!! I know you don't care about them. You can try to sneak in an Anonymous comment or get one of your silly work friends to do it for you, but I'm not adding the Pats for your smarmy rear end, Story!!!!! No way, no how!!!!!!!!!!
Love the helmet. Thanks Rich!!!
I'm still having abdominal pain and heart murmuring for doing it. Buuu-uuut, you are welcome.
Thank God that the drought is almost over and the greatest time of the year is beginning.
Props to the War-Eagle! Love my Tigers. As '90 grad I'm with you all the way.
I grew up in the heart of Ohio, and I can't shake my roots. Go Buckeyes! OSU is still probably my favorite team... especially with my favorite coach of all time. Tressel is a man of great character, integrity, and heart. He wins and loses with class.
Then there is the Cincinnati Bengals. Oh what a bitter-bitter-bitter-sweet relationship I have with them. None-the-less I still love them.
That's about it.... One more thing: it is just "WAR EAGLE" no need to add the sailorism.
God Bless
I know the battle it is with your Bengals. It's almost like being a Reds fan these days, but worse (although the Bengals have been to the playoffs more recently than the Reds). But cheering for organizations that consistently lose is draining. Take heart, though! The Arizona Cardinals went to the Super Bowl last year. And Carson Palmer returns to help the Bengal offense. Plus, I thought they had a good draft. Almost the best of luck this year - or, rather, best of luck unless the Bengals play the Fins.
One more thing: it is just "WAR EAGLE" no need to add the sailorism.
Sometimes, I sail. In fact, I think I've sailed on this particular ship a long, long time, and quite frankly, I like sailing this ship. However, I respect what you're saying, so... wallah!
Uhm, I really love it when Ole Miss makes a home run. WooHoo! and if they follow it with a hole-in-one, I'm jumping for joy!
Seriously, though, football season means cuddling on the couch with hubby and watching him enjoy his game. In the almost 21 years we've been married, I've come to understand a little about the ins and outs of a football match.
Go Ole Miss!
Go Saints!
Thanks Rich, and as you know, I am a Red's fan too!... Oh the pain!
You are da man!
Been having technical difficulties with Blogger. Will get the Saints and Ole Miss helms up soon.
Rich, Did mention the patriots. ... I'm sure he meant Lake Brantley or Cumberland University. I guess you couldn't find a helmet for either of those two.
Ken mentioned the Patriarchs, because he's a spiteful, ornery curmudgeon always trying to get someone else's goat. And he meant the New England brand of Patsies, and none other.
I didn't find them because it wasn't worth looking.
Oh, yeah. Go Blue Panthers!!
Don't worry, Rich. I added the helmet for you.
Could you have made that helmet bigger? I don't think anyone could notice it.
You're right.
No one noticed it for days.
I think I can make it bigger, though. Good idea.
Oh, it got noticed. I just decided to indulge the 10 and Under helmet and it's size. Why not? Plus, if anyone ever looks at old posts (usually, people don't), it might bring up questions, and questions are good for the blog.
Questions like: Why is Ken a doofus? Those really add to the site. They're both easy and complex at the same time, and truthfully, administrators and Realm commenters alike can answer questions like that.
All the same, go Monrovia!
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