Why does The Realm of Possibility look like it just got peed on by a deranged leprechaun?
[Please, please, please don't tell me this nightmare is spinning off from Ken's multi-colored iris post. See what kind of nonsense happens when people start encouraging him by commenting carte blanche on some of his lamer posts. Let this be a lesson to anyone and everyone who starts feeling the pity. This happens! Let's nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand. Puh-leeeeaze!!!]
I see you'll turn the whole Realm a gross shade of Kentucky 31 fescue, but you're derelict in placing a Buzzard of the Week on the sidebar.
Nice, pal. Real nice.
Some of the green shades are hard to read. I'm just
Diabolical not derelict. There's a Boozard o' the week as requested.
It's so pretty in here.
I love what you've done with the place.
Hey, a Buzzard of the Week!!!
Awesome! You can leave it green like this for five more minutes!
We have a piper down! We have a piper down! The piper is down.
I'm lovin' all the green. :o)
(just 'cause I'm weird that way.)
BTW, I've never seen a leprechaun armed with a gun. But I guess if he has to guard his pot of gold...
I’m not sure about you guys showing someone smoking. Smoking is bad for you. Don’t smoke.
This doesn't have anything to do with this post, but since you have a quote on your blog, my favorite now is:
"Dude, you got some Arzt on you."
-Hurley from Lost (Arzt had just gotten blown up by dynamite and there was a piece of him on Jack's back)
And you did a FINE job, Laura Leigh, writing your comment under this post rather than Ken's lame-o "What primary color is your favorite?" post.
Well done.
And yeah, Hurley's comment was funny.
Let me get this straight: You are having issue with the pipe (no smoke coming out) and not with the sub-machine gun? hmmmm. DOH!
Guns don't kill: people do! (Or in this case, scary leprechauns)
I’m from Oklahoma I grew up with guns.
I actually have this tattoo on my . . . . without the pipe.
Okay so I don’t have a tat and my son who is reading this is now scared for life and thinks he’s more mature than I am. It’s true at times he is. But I can still go on Facebook and tell his friends stuff.
Heh! My boy just told me that we needed to get a life. He's sitting right next to me. Where's his life. Huh where?
Heh! My boy just told me that we needed to get a life. He's sitting right next to me. Where's his life. Huh where?
Oh the irony! Since I've gotten off work, here's my life:
1) Take my son to his football practice
2) Bring kids home
3) Cook for kids
4) Help kids with homework
5) Yell, holler, and scream bloody murder for the kids to shower and get them ready for bed
6) Read to them
Your son's exactly right. We need a life!!!
Ahhhh life. Aren't kids wonderful? They keep us honest and on our toes!
I wouldn't trade my 'life' for much of anything!
God Bless
You should remind your son, that when you were his age, you thought you were all that too!
I'm from Ohio and I grew up with the help of spankings and lots of candy.
Perhaps it is all the same.
God Bless
I'm from Ohio and I grew up with the help of spankings and lots of candy.
Doug, after years of observation, I think I can safely say:
You still need lots of parental spankings.
I still need lots of candy.
Mmmm. Candy. Did I mention that I also love the color brown -- when describing chocolate. The darker the better. Mmmm. Chocolate.
At my son’s age I was all that.
My list is more like this
After work
Pick one kid up from school
The other from DFY (Drug Free Youth)
Do laundry
Remind them of homework
Remind them to clean their messes
Yell about homework
Yell about messes
Get reminded that I need not yell.
Cook dinner- two different meals because one is very picky
Get one in the shower
Pound on the door to get that one out and the other one in
Clean up bathroom
Shower and go to bed
. . . and I do this all before 8:30 pm so that I can be up at 4:20
I wouldn't change it for the world. I faught to have those kids and I blessed to have them.
plus I'm not for Ohio so life is good.
Ah Milly,
Clearly you have never been to Ohio ;}
I have been to Oklahoma and Ohio, and quite frankly, I like them both for different reasons.
Still, I love my dear Ohio. So nanny-nanny!
God Bless
I mean from Ohio
You still need lots of parental spankings.
And that would probably still happen... If she could catch me!!!!
God Bless
Let's see: gun toting, tattoos, make-out girl, and now your were 'all that' when you were young.
Quite impressive! You must be proud.
God Bless
For the record I have been in Ohio. BTW back in the day I was a Reds fan.
Okay so it’s been a long time since I’ve shot a gun and my tats wash off in the shower. I haven’t made out in a long while because I’m single now. Thanks for the reminder.
Yes I was all that and I still am.
Anytime on the reminder thing: that's just what friends do! ;)
It is amazing that you have been to Ohio and not loved it! Columbus is one of the cleanest major-cities that I have ever visited... Cincinnati is not!
Since you're into sharing right now:
I am a Reds fan... still am. My tats don't wash off... no wait I have no tats. It has been a few years on the gun-shooting thing. And I was never even a little that. I can smile and try to all the time!
See life is good!
God Bless
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