You said, "Hold me that way I know you won't forget."
You were visibly upset, and I was the reason.
I said, "Yeah, you're right, but I believe in happy end-ings,
and those million new beginnings that are ours just for the asking."
-- from Chameleon Me (Pin My Hope), Bill Mallonee's Dear Life CD
This song just as easily could have been on the Friendly Fire CD, and as I understand, most of the songs from Dear Life and Friendly Fire were made together. There had been talk of a double-album, but I don't think the cost-benefit would have been as effective for Bill Mallonee, so that idea was scrapped.
Regardless, what an awesome sentiment. Ken posted a day or two ago on wondering about happy endings. Ken's post ended saying "One day." Here, we see that same belief set forth in the song probably not long after the song's protagonist (if I can use that word for a song) has hurt the person he loves the most, his spouse. She has forgiven and is asking for him to hold her. Then he mentions the happy endings -- and following that, my favorite line in the song:
"and those million new beginnings that are ours just for the asking."
What a wonderful expression of the forgiveness seventy times seven notion.
I think it was Peter that came up and asked Jesus, "How many times should we forgive our brothers if he sins against us? Up to seven times?" And how like me that question is -- "Christ, exactly how many times do I have to forgive my wife/friend/brother/co-worker before I can stop and let him have it? Because if it's seven, then they've already exceeded my limit." But no, Jesus, with God's view of things, turns our own pettiness upside down. "No, not seven I tell you, but seventy times seven." In other words, it doesn't end. You keep forgiving. And each time, there is renewal. In the same way, we can come to God and ask him for forgiveness of our million sins. Each time, we get those million new beginnings that are ours just for the asking. Oh, and what a relief that is.
In theory, it should work this way in all of our relationships. If we forgive as God does, it works in practice as well.
Is forgiveness easy? For any of us? Is it easy for God? I think we need look no farther than the Cross to ask if it was easy for God. Which means for us, sometimes it's going to be the hardest thing we ever do. It is going to grind your guts out sometimes, and you're going to have to wrestle with everything in you to do it. And then to do it over and over? Well, if Christ is our model, and we are to put on Christ, then yes. It may not be what we want to offer the majority of the time. But on the other hand, most of us know what it's like to be forgiven at some point in our lives, whether by God, parents, people in our family, at our works, at our schools. When someone truly forgives you, what a burden it takes off! In the same respect, what a burden you can lift from others when you forgive. How important is it?
The result of forgiveness, I'd say, is the happy endings that we're all looking for. Every single last one of us.
Bill Mallonee
Good post.
I've heard it said, and I believe that it is so, that the intent of unforgiveness is to hurt another person but the result is to hurt yourself.
Unforgiveness turns into bitterness and becomes a millstone around our necks, a burden taht weighs us down. And what a relief, as you say, when we shed that incumbrance.
If you'll indulge, I'll add in a song quote of my own from the Newsboys (a group whose lyrics often speak to me) which goes right along with this:
"Carryin' a millstone malaise
It's been pulling down your gaze
You pound the pavement
It don't give or care
This weight ain't yours to bear
Why you holdin' grudges in old jars?
Why you wanna show off all your scars?
What's it gonna take to lay a few burdens down?
It's a beautiful sound
When they all fall
Like a million raindrops
Falling from a blue sky
Kissing your cares goodbye
They all fall
Like a million pieces
A ticker tape parade high
And now you're free to fly
When that muffled sigh
Says you're barely getting by
Cut your burdens loose and just simplify
This is not your floor
You're going higher than before
Drop the weight now
Wait for the lookout guide
Look outside
As they all fall
Like a million raindrops
Falling from a blue sky
Kissing your cares goodbye
They all fall
Like a million pieces
A ticker tape parade high
Now you're free to fly
You've gotta lay that burden down
You're gonna lay that burden down
It's time to leave your burdens in a pyre
Set a bonfire
'Cause when you lay your burdens down
When you lay your burdens down
When you drop them burdens
What a free-fall
What a thrill
Bury them all
In a landfill"
Of course I don't mind!!!
In fact, you could have posted that as "A Lyric of the Day," just to get there before I did.
(Don't worry, I'm not planning on one today since I did a SQOTW).
Anyway, it's a great thing to be forgiven. In fact, for us as fallen men and women, being loved and being forgiven go hand-in-hand, and the line between them ain't that dark.
Doggone, Ken. Those are great lyrics.
I must have heard that song 20 times, and never been able to figure out what any of the verses were. :-(
Whatever my hearing problem it is, it stinks to have to look up the lyrics to every song I think I might love.
Praise the Lord for the gift of forgiving those who have sinned against us!
The Newsboys' lyrics are very colorful and after a couple of listens may strike some as silly or non-sensical.
But some of the beauty of their songs to me is that on closer listen they are actually quite poignant.
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