But if your Happy Valentine's Day is going really well or turns out to be an awesome day, why not share it with the other denizens of The Realm? Everyone loves a sappy, romance story. Okay, well, most people do. Alright, probably only half the people. Wait, make that 35%. You're probably right. Just those ladies that are buying Harlequin romance novels and Danielle Steele re-prints. But I'm sure that there are people like that who read our blog. Mmm, "sure" may be overstating it, but "probably" there "might be" someone who "may" care.
And I'm also quite certain no one will make fun of you. Er, maybe not quite 100% sure, but I know it's got to be in the ball park - at least in the 90 percentiles. I know I won't joke about it. Well, then again, "know" sounds a little too definite, but I'll try to be a good human being while reading your mushy story(ies).
You know what? How about just telling if your Valentine's Day goes rotten. Now that I know everyone will want to hear! It builds up everyone else's self-esteem, and who doesn't love that?
Happy V-Day everyone!!!
Valentine's Day
Is the cat out of the bag yet that I'm a total jerk?
Ken knows, but I wasn't sure everyone else did, so I wrote this post.
Now that's what I like to hear, b!
Of cooooooooourrrrrse, I'm joking. Hopefully, you feel better fast.
Hubby got me some Dayquil, Nyquil and eyedrops for my dry eyes.
He also got me a cute card.
That's o.k. He's taking me to Orange Beach for the writer's conference. Woohoo.
still sneezing
Get better, Wanda V!
Hey! I broke up the no-hitter with a single I stretched into a double.
The boys and I hd a good time surprising my wife (and daughter who was a little too surprised when my boys shouted, "Surprise! Happy Valentine's Day!" and broke into a short cry. But the meal we made turned out to be good, and everyone had a great time.
Hopefully, all of you had a good one as well, and just as optimistically, I hope the two girls that actually read this blog both are getting over their respective sicknesses.
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