Classic Games
1) Aggravation
2) Battleship
3) Clue
4) Life
5) Monopoly
6) Parcheesi
7) Payday
8) Scrabble
9) Sorry
10) Yahtzee

Strategy/War Games
1) Axis & Allies
2) Chess
3) Diplomacy
4) Pente
5) Risk
6) Stratego

7) War at Sea
Children's Games
1) Candyland
2) Chutes & Ladders
3) Cranium Cadoo
4) Monopoly Junior
5) Operation
6) Trivial Pursuit, Junior Edition (or Kid's Edition)
7) Trouble

Sports Games
1) All-Star Baseball
2) Bas-Ket Game
3) ESPN All-Star Sports Trivia Challenge
4) Monopoly MIAMI DOLPHINS Collector's Edition
5) NASCAR DVD Board Game
6) Statis-Pro Baseball
7) Statis-Pro Football
Party Games
1) A to Z
2) Battle of the Sexes Card Game
3) Charades
4) Cranium
5) Loaded Questions
6) Outburst
7) Pictionary

8) TriBond
9) Trivial Pursuit
10) Other
Game Show Games
1) American Idol
2) Concentration
3) Family Feud
4) Jeopardy Board Game
5) The Newlywed Game
6) Password
7) Pictionary
8) The Price Is Right
9) Pyramid
10) Wheel of Fortune
(Anytime we can get a nice picture of Donny Osmond on a post, I think the post is well worth it. Dont' you?)
Mystery Games
1) 221 B Baker Street
2) Bakerstreet
3) Clue
4) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - The Board Game
5) any of the interactive Murder Mystery games
Please, somebody stop me. Enough of the fun 'n games already!!!
Anyhoo, which games are your favorites to play on family night? What's your all time favorite? And the most important question of all: What all games have I missed???
Per the usual, my answers will appear sooner or later in the comments.
Board Games
Hey - Games! I can do games!
Classic Games
8) Scrabble - One of the world's best.
3) Clue - This one we kept buying every time we lost too many pieces.
2) Battleship - Still fun, but I have not paid moolah for it.
1) Aggravation - fun till I outgrew it.
4) Life - Had a blast with the kids with this one once. Fond memory.
6) Parcheesi - This one became a euphemism for more adult behavior.
7) Payday
9) Sorry
5) Monopoly - Ick. Who has 8 hours for going in circles, buying stuff.
10) Yahtzee - Forced to play this as a kid by a compulsive mother.
I despise the paper it is written on. I would burn it if I could.
Strategy/War Games
2) Chess - The perfect game. I wish I were better at it, but everyone who plays
it does. No luck. No tricks. No secrets. Just 30 guys, 2 grls, 64 squares and
more possible games than there are atoms in the known universe.
6) Stratego - Woo hoo! I love Stratego. 30 minutes, and lots of good thinking.
I can still out-think the boy here, but after I have trapped him in the corner
with his flag, I can never finish the deal without him sneaking one last miner
out and getting my flag. DRAT!!!!
1) Axis & Allies - Great game until my son learned every single strategy hack on
the face of Europe. No one has any hope against that little Napoleon when this
one comes out.
3) Diplomacy - I don't know that I am cut-throat enough for this one. I always
thought this would be the perfect game, but it's not so fun solitaire. I never
had enough friends to pull Diplomacy together.
5) Risk - Great pastime game, and good for rookies. My son plays this with his friends.
Not only is he Napolean, but he is Otto Von Bismark in this one. He never shuts up.
He has his mother's gift for gab, and he keeps talking people out of killing him
and into killing everyone else until suddenly he is the only one left. Bizarre. Me? I
just play straight until I'm dead.
7) War at Sea - Back in my Avalon Hill days, this one was too simple for me. I
think it was probably fun, but I was too arrogant to try it.
4) Pente - ?
X1) Russian Campaign - Wow! It was a 12 hour game, but it was pins and needles
the whole way! For the first 3 hours the Germans are flying across the steppes,
but can they get there in time? Then the battle slows to a crawl. Little cracks in
giant fortresses make all the difference. The Germans have to keep Russian supplies
in check. And they always have to find somewhere to winter. Then, SUDDENLY,
breakout! The Russians are coming! Can Germany hold out long enough to be
captured by the Westerners, or will the vindictive Stalinists get to extract their
kilotons of flesh.
X2) Submarine - 12 hours of pure stress. Somewhere under your convoy there are 3 subs.
Can you find them before you lose too many ships - with all their precious cargo?
And the sub captain knows where everything is, but where should he hide? He needs to get
close, but how close is too close? Can he get in amongst the convoy? Should he waste a
a torp? Move too fast, and you're heard. Move to slow, and you miss the shot that would
have won the game!
Children's Games
1) Candyland - Seems like I liked this.
2) Chutes & Ladders - Never saw it.
3) Cranium Cadoo - After my time.
4) Monopoly Junior - Ick.
5) Operation - I never was good enough at this to make myself happy.
6) Trivial Pursuit, Junior Edition (or Kid's Edition) - Never did like these trivia games.
7) Trouble - Probably my favorite.
Sports Games
7) Statis-Pro Football - Football was the only sport there was. I had every football
game imaginable, and made up dozens of my own. I had lots of teams for the little
electronic buzz guys, some game that used checker-like pieces, and the thing where
you picked a pla, and the opponent did too and you found out how far you went. My
favorite, though, was the football cards. I never collected them for their own sake.
I used them as markers on the floor. I would play the whole game, and move every
card like it was a little dude. Every play went exactly according to some little
script that I had in my head, and I played every down and every point until someone
told me to go to bed.
1) All-Star Baseball - Wow. A way to reduce a boring pastime to a boring game.
2) Bas-Ket Game
3) ESPN All-Star Sports Trivia Challenge
4) Monopoly MIAMI DOLPHINS Collector's Edition
5) NASCAR DVD Board Game
6) Statis-Pro Baseball
Party Games
10) Other - Balderdash. We played that game to death as a church in '91.
3) Charades - I am a massive primo don, given the chance. I love charades.
7) Pictionary - I can draw pretty good. Not quite a whiz, but I love this.
6) Outburst - Fun stuff, dude.
1) A to Z
2) Battle of the Sexes Card Game
4) Cranium
5) Loaded Questions
8) TriBond
9) Trivial Pursuit
Game Show Games
1) American Idol - I loved the first season. Don't care if I never see it again.
I've never played any of these as games, though.
2) Concentration
3) Family Feud
4) Jeopardy Board Game
5) The Newlywed Game
6) Password
7) Pictionary
8) The Price Is Right
9) Pyramid
10) Wheel of Fortune
(Anytime we can get a nice picture of Donny Osmond on a post, I think the post is well worth it. Dont' you?)
Mystery Games
3) Clue - Yeah. We bought this 2 or 3 times.
1) 221 B Baker Street
2) Bakerstreet
4) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - The Board Game
5) any of the interactive Murder Mystery games
X1) Scotland Yard! - I cannot get anyone to play this with me. The criminal
mastermind is loose in London. 5 detectives from Scotland Yard need to find him.
Everyone moves by Rail, Bus, or Taxi. If the detectives end the turn on the same
square as the rabbit, they win. Tough, tough game. Lot's of thinking.
Checker games:
1) Fox and Geese: 4 checkers on one end, 1 checker on the other. The geese cannot go
backwards. Can they trap the fox?
2) 5 in a row: Put a checker anywhere. Make 5 in a row. Very cool.
3) Checkers is fun too.
I see no stratomatic baseball or football, Status Pro is mentioned, but not stratomatict? What kind of hooie is this?
Classic Games:
1) Scrabble ==> I don't like it as much as my wife, but we have had some great battles.
2) Strategy ==> Probably Chess, but Axis and Alleys was a great diversion. Stratego was pretty fun too. I think Rich was/is an awesome Stratego player.
3) Sports ==> Status-Pro Baseball or Stratomatic Baseball.
4) Party Games ==> Cranium
5)Game Show Games ==> Pictionary
6)Mytery Games ==> Hmmm... I'll say clue.
Life is probably the one that I enjoy most in the length of time I can sit and play one of these classic games. Clue or Monopoly second.
I LOVE Stratego, but c'mon guys, Risk is the best. World Domination, anyone? Although I have to admit, our War at Sea/Victory in the Pacific combo games were a ton of fun.
Operation and Trouble.
Statis-Pro Baseball. In college, we had leagues with people playing deifferent teams. It was a blast, especially how competitive and mad you could get over a game. I mean, what else was college for? Besides playing basketball at the Student Activity Center, I should say. JUST KIDDING!!! I love my education, all you kids out there.
Pictionary. Especially good when you have atrocious artists.
Game Shows
Feud/Pyramid tie.
Clue. It's a classic.
You guys are doing a good job of adding in games. There's some games like Connect 4, Don't Break the Ice, Ants in My Pants, Tiddly Winks that aren't board games per se but I should have included them, I think. Tons of others, I'm sure.
Where does rock-em-sock-em robots fit in? That one rocked!
Another comment, Risk is great in the early rounds, but with countries getting 50 and 60 troops toward the end of the game it gets kind of silly. The rules need modding and it would be a lot better.
Have you tried strat-o-matic baseball? It is much better than status-pro. My infamous Hit-and-Run technique wouldn't work as well so it is a whole lot fairer (Poor Geasie). As the winner of the a few of your Status-Pro leagues, I should know.
Game on!
P.S. Basketball at SAC WAS the one of the highlights of life at Auburn! Don't talk badly of it.
I have always loved board games. Board games, Atari games, baseball cards, and surprises were what I always wanted for Christmas and birthdays.
My favorites are/were:
Scrabble - Still love this one, but I love words.
Backgammon is another favorite, and card games (rummy, gin, and Rook).
I hate Aggravation. It's... well, aggravating. Plus, my wife is really good at it. Similiarly I hate Chinese Checkers, because my dad always beat me.
Stratego - Liked this one. Like Risk, too, but it's hard to find 3 hours to play anymore (I actually have the LOTR version which is even cooler than the original).
Mousetrap - I never had it, but I was jealous of those kids that did. My kids now have it, and I'm jealous of them.
Strat-o-matic - I'm in this crowd, too. I made my brother play it with me, though I'm not sure he liked it that much. Also liked Electric football until the board got dented and all the men vibrated to the same spot.
Party Games
Trivial Pursuit - One of my all-time faves. The best part is telling everyone the correct answer to someone else's question after they miss it just to show how smart you are. People love that. Also Outburst and Tribond for some of the same reasons.
I guess this would be the correct category for these other favorites: Scene-It (all varieties), Scattegories, Balderdash, Sequence, and one where you pass the buzzer around that escapes me at this moment.
Game Show
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, I believe Win, Lose, or Draw (Burt Reynold's brainchild) is the drawing game that should be here, and Concentration.
Clue was great when I was a kid, but I don't care for it anymore, Mastermind might fit here. It was fun, and of course, Mystery Date.
Game night is still a favorite at my house, but they are too few and far between.
Taboo. Yeah, that's great and a favorite of mine. Probably more than Pictionary. That, Balderdash, and Scattergories (another fav)should definitely have made the listing.
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