1) Toy Story; Toy Story 2
2) Star Wars: I; II; III; IV; V; VI
3) Spider-Man; Spider-Man 2
4) Terminator: I; II; III
5) Alien; Aliens; Alien III; Alien IV
6) Batman; Batman Returns; Batman Forever; Batman and Robin; Batman Begins (I'll include it)
7) Rocky: I; II; III; IV; V
8) Raiders of the Lost Ark; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
9) LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring; The Two Towers; Return of the King
10) Harry Potter: Sorceror's Stone; Chamber of Secrets; Prisoner of Azkaban; Goblet of Fire
11) X-Men: I; II
12) Superman: I; II; III; IV
13) Godfather I; II; III
14) Die Hard: I ; II; III
15) Vacation; European Vacation; Christmas Vacation
I'll leave my answers in the comments... sooner or later.
1) Toy Story 2
==> Surprisingly better than the 1st... and I loved the first
2) Star Wars IV
==> It is hard to beat the original of this series.
3) Spider-Man 2
==> I liked them both, 2 just had a little better dynamic than 1.
4) Terminator II
==> Once again, all 3 of them were pretty good, but 2 really sticks out.
5) Alien; Aliens; (Tie)
==> Sequals but two difference genre's of movies. Alien was a classic hunt-and-die horror pic, while Aliens was a war movie.
6) Batman Begins
==> Best movie of the summer, without a doubt. Far better than the other Batmans.
7) Rocky: III;
==> I pitty the fool who doesn't pick this one.
8) Raiders of the Lost Ark
==> Speilburg brilliance. The other two were two predictable.
9) Return of the King
==> Peter King got better at the Epic thing.
10) Harry Potter: <== None
==> Yuck
11) X-Men: I; II (Tie)
==> I am sad to admit, I really liked them both.
12) Superman: I (Otisburgh?!)
==> The movies were lame, but the Hackman was brilliant.
13) Godfather I; II; III <== None
==> I can't say I liked any of them, but If I were to pick I would say the I was the best of the 3.
14) Die Hard: I
==> Yippy Ky-Yeah
15) Christmas Vacation
==> The "Blessing". I still laugh out loud on this one.
1)Toy Story - A paradigm buster. Funny, original, classic
2)Star Wars Ep. II. AOTC - I know it's sacrilege, but I like it better than IV and V. Don't get me started. TPM shouldn't even be a choice though.
3)Spiderman 2 - Original was good, too but this one better because they got past the origin story and could expand into the Spidey we knew and loved from the comics
4)T2 - Special effects better, and bad guy scarier
5)Alien - Younger Sigourney and Paul Reiser
6)Batman Begins - If you're including it, I'm picking it. Blew the others away
7)Rocky II - It was the 80's, and the Russian had to go down
8)Raiders - Brought the action/adventure back with the crack of Indy's whip. Crusade was a godsend however after the debacle that was Temple
9)Two Towers - Had everything a movie needs
10)Azkaban - Spent more time on Harry's history and less on chasing rabbits and sideplots
11)X-Men II - No Statue of Liberty scene. Loved the team-up between mutants. More backstory on Wolverine.
12)Superman I - Really, they just got worse, so this is the only choice
13)No opinion.
14)Die Hard - Yippy ki Yay. Ode to Joy. And Alan Rickman.
15)Christmas Vacation - Classic Christmas movie. No Anthony Michael Hall. Black dicky under a white sweater. Vegas Vacation should have made the list before European Vacation. EV was horrible'.
1) Toy Story 2
==> Really liked both movies, but I give the nod to TS 2 here. Glad there's not going to be a TS 3.
2) Star Wars V
==> Empire Strikes Back, bay-bee. Boba Fett... nuff said.
3) Spider-Man 2
==> Prefer S-M 2. Doc Ock is a better villain than the Sam Raimi Green Goblin. If you're gonna have the Green Goblin, you gotta have Gwen Stacy.
4) Terminator II
==> T 1 was good, but 2 was better. T3 was not bad, suprisingly.
5) Aliens
==> More action and Bill Paxton. Do you need anything else? "Game over, man!"
6) Batman Begins
==> Beats the brains out of any of the Tim Burton/Joel Schumacher Batman movies. Not gratuitous Bat-butt shots a la the Val Kilmer fiasco, and no nipples on the Bat suit. Why did Batman's suit have nipples in Batman and Robin, but not Batgirl's?
7) Rocky: I;
==>Greatest movie of all time. Period. By the way, Ken, the Russian went down in Rocky IV...
8) Last Crusade
==> Sean Connery and the hot Nazi chick win me over.
9) Two Towers
==> Better than FOTR and I'm not sure ROTK has ended at the theater yet.
10) Prisoner of Azkaban
==> It's the last one I saw and that's why I remember it better.
11) X-Men II
==> More time to spend on the plot and not so much time developing the movie characters.
12) Superman: II
==> General Zod was the best Superman movie-villain. Luthor was castrated by camp in the first movie.
13) Godfather I; II; III
==> Never saw any of 'em.
14) Die Hard: I, II, III, ???
==> Is there any difference?
15) Christmas Vacation
==> Move over Danny "F'in" Kaye, this is THE Christmas movie at my house.
Paul Reiser was in Aliens not Alien.
OK. I did this without reading anyone's comments.
1) Toy Story; Toy Story 2
I remember liking them, but that's about all.
2) Star Wars: III
III - Ewoks did not ruin this movie for me.
3) Spider-Man;
2 - much better love story. Sorry, but that's how it is.
4) Terminator: I; II; III
I - No doubt. The first one was a cool story of human struggle. The second and third were boring tales of technology versus Arnie.
5) Alien; Aliens; Alien III; Alien IV
6) Batman; Batman Returns; Batman Forever; Batman and Robin; Batman Begins (I'll include it)
Begins. It was a more human movie than any of the others.
7) Rocky: I; II; III; IV; V
III - Watching Rocky truly scared was my favorite of the bunch.
8) Raiders of the Lost Ark; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Lost Ark. The sequels were just too technological.
9) LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring; The Two Towers; Return of the King
How could one be better? They were not 3 stories?
10) Harry Potter: Sorceror's Stone; Chamber of Secrets; Prisoner of Azkaban; Goblet of Fire
Goblet of Fire. They just keep getting better.
11) X-Men: I; II
12) Superman: I; II; III; IV
13) Godfather I; II; III
It's been years, but I think I liked II the best.
14) Die Hard: I ; II; III
I - Keep it simple. Tell the story. Once the terrorists' plans get too unbelievably complex, there's no more human element.
15) Vacation; European Vacation; Christmas Vacation
On the Star Wars thing, I am ashamed to admit that I meant VI, not III. Revenge of the Jedi.
The master key:
1) Toy Story 2, not even close. The heck is Ken thinking?
2) Star Wars IV, A New Hope - In fact, from best to worse it went IV, V, VI, III, II, I.
3) Spidey 2
4) Terminator
5) Alien/Aliens (tie) - How can you pick from these two greats?
6) Batman Begins - ties with Spidey 2 as the best comic book movie of all time
7) Rocky
8) Raiders of the Lost Ark
9) The Two Towers - Best of the books as well. Hard to beat Helm's Deep. Moria and Pellenor Fields (especially with Eowyn vs. the Lord of the Nazgul) are great, but they don't quite make Helm's Deep.
10) HPandthePOA
11) X-2 (Nightcrawler helped a lot)
12) Supes II - Jeff hit the nail on the head; Zod was by far the best villain. I liked Hackman's Luthor, but he was camp all the way.
13) The Godfather
14) Die Hard
15) Christmas Vacation
Check your answers and let me know your percentages. I got a 100%. For those of you unfamiliar with the grading scale, that's an A+.
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