Just pick your favorite or one you like out of each of the list of fours below and put your choices in the comments --
Go Gos songs: 1) We Got the Beat; 2) Our Lips Are Sealed; 3) Vacation; 4) Head Over Heels
Gospels: 1) Matthew; 2) Mark; 3) Luke; 4) John
Season: 1) Spring; 2) Summer; 3) Autumn; 4) Winter
Teen Titan sans Robin: 1) Starfire; 2) Beast Boy; 3) Cyborg; 4) Raven
Old West Outlaw: 1) Jessie James; 2) Billy the Kid; 3) Doc Holliday; 4) Butch Cassidy
Old West Hero: 1) Wyatt Earp; 2) Davy Crockett; 3) Buffalo Bill Cody; 4) Will Bill Hickcock
Classic Rock Frontman: 1) Mick Jagger; 2) Roger Daltrey; 3) Robert Plant; 4) Ray Davies
Biblical Name Starting w/ "J" Not Jesus: 1) James; 2) Jeremiah; 3) John; 4) Joseph
Active Non-English Language: 1) Spanish; 2) French; 3) German; 4) Russian
Popular Modern U.S. Presidents: 1) FDR; 2) JFK; 3) RWR; 4) WJC
Popular Foundation U.S. Presidents: 1) Washington; 2) Jefferson; 3) Jackson; 4) Lincoln
Explorers: 1) Marco Polo; 2) Magellan; 3) Columbus; 4) Cabot
Middle Earth Beings: 1) Dwarves; 2) Elves; 3) Ents; 4) Wizards (Istari)
Action Heroes: 1) Arnold; 2) Bruce Willis; 3) Sean Connery; 4) Van Damme
Grisham Books to Movies: 1) A Time to Kill; 2) The Firm; 3) The Pelican Brief; 4) The Client
Food/Candy Rockers: 1) Red Hot Chili Peppers; 2) Lemonheads; 3) Goo Goo Dolls; 4) Smashing Pumpkins
Sci Fi Monsters: 1) Predator; 2) Species; 3) Alien; 4) Martians (from WOTW)
Bible Version Read Most: 1) KJV; 2) NIV; 3) NASV; 4) Paraphrased
Discount Shopping: 1) Sears; 2) JC Penneys; 3) Wal-Mart; 4) Target
Final Four: 1) LSU; 2) UCLA; 3) George Mason; 4) Florida
I'll put my picks in the comments. You do the same!
Pick Your Favorite
Le Poignard
We all know I'm obsessed with not using the mouse, right?
Or maybe I'm obsessed with not switching between keyboard and mouse!
I'd like to introd...
4 years ago
Go Gos songs:
Ah - John. Hands down. I want to hear what's happening IN the Son more than around Him.
Summer - My opponent is suffering in the heat out on the court. Gives me one more advantage.
Oh, you mean in life...
Well, it used to be fall, when everything was dying. Somehow, I seem to be a little less depressed these days, though, and I think it might be Spring!
Teen Titan sans Robin: 1) Starfire; 2) Beast Boy; 3) Cyborg; 4) Raven
? Raven sounds cool.
Old West Outlaw: 1) Jessie James; 2) Billy the Kid; 3) Doc Holliday; 4) Butch Cassidy
Got to be Doc. Enjoyed reading up on him again just now.
Old West Hero: 1) Wyatt Earp; 2) Davy Corckett; 3) Buffalo Bill Cody; 4) Will Bill Hickcock
Davy was a genuine good guy. Got to shy away from the others.
Classic Rock Frontman: 1) Mick Jagger; 2) Roger Daltrey; 3) Robert Plant; 4) Ray Davies
Hmmm. The 2 I know, I don't like.
Biblical Name Starting w/ "J" Not Jesus: 1) James; 2) Jeremiah; 3) John; 4) Joseph
You know, I'm getting a soft spot in my heart for James of all people.
Active Non-English Language: 1) Spanish; 2) French; 3) German; 4) Russian
Spanish. Puedo hablar username pequeno, dar vorbesc putsin Romaneste. My Romanian is messing up my Spanish.
Popular Modern U.S. Presidents: 1) FDR; 2) JFK; 3) RWR; 4) WJC
Popular Foundation U.S. Presidents: 1) Washington; 2) Jefferson; 3) Jackson; 4) Lincoln
Explorers: 1) Marco Polo; 2) Magellan; 3) Columbus; 4) Cabot
Magellan. Dude, getting out in a boat the size of a small house and going around the whole world without a promise of anything?!
Middle Earth Beings: 1) Dwarves; 2) Elves; 3) Ents; 4) Wizards (Istari)
Dwarves. Give me "direct" any day.
Action Heroes: 1) Arnold; 2) Bruce Willis; 3) Sean Connery; 4) Van Damme
Willis. His innocent Joe backed into a corner so now he has to kill you schtick is the best.
Grisham Books to Movies: 1) A Time to Kill; 2) The Firm; 3) The Pelican Brief; 4) The Client
Darn. More popular culture. Pelican Brief was good.
Food/Candy Rockers: 1) Red Hot Chili Peppers; 2) Lemonheads; 3) Goo Goo Dolls; 4) Smashing Pumpkins
I like lemon drops.
Sci Fi Monsters: 1) Predator; 2) Species; 3) Alien; 4) Martians (from WOTW)
Predator. Hands down.
Bible Version Read Most: 1) KJV; 2) NIV; 3) NASV; 4) Paraphrased
40 years - KJV only. These days, TNIV.
Discount Shopping: 1) Sears; 2) JC Penneys; 3) Wal-Mart; 4) Target
Wal-Mart (but Target is closer, sooooo)
Final Four: 1) LSU; 2) UCLA; 3) George Mason; 4) Florida
1) Head Over Heels (I think I could listen to Belinda Carlisle's voice from her and the Go Gos hit songs and rarely get tired of it)
2) John (although I love the Christmas Story and historic detail in Luke, so Luke's a virtual tie, but I had to pick one)
3) Autumn (the splendor of the leaves as they make their last stand, and the knowledge that they'll be reborn has a beauty that no other season can match, especially as you watch with a warm Fall breeze blowing through your hair)
4) Starfire (well... she's cute)
5) Doc Holliday (just living that line between good and bad made him too cool)
6) Crockett (he killed him a "baaaar" when he was only three and he died a matyr's death at the Alamo... c'mon)
7) Daltrey (The Who had more great songs than any of them, and Rog's classic "Yeeeeeeeeeeah!" in Don't Get Fooled Again is the greatest shout in rock history)
8) Joseph (even though my first name is John)
9) espanol (for all the practical reasons, although I love the sound of French)
10) Reagan (not close)
11) Washington (but I don't have a closer "tie" in my list than Washington and Lincoln)
12) Magellan (codepoke got the answer exactly right)
13) Elves (what's been done with the race of elves in Fantasy is incredible)
14) Arnold (Bruce Willis makes way better movies, but the Governor was Conan, he killed Predator, he was the Terminator and he killed later Terminators, not to mention a Kindergarten Cop -- what an actor!!! that last bit was a joke, btw
15) A Time to Kill (this one was before they all became formulaic)
16) Lemonheads (It's a Shame about Ray is a seamless masterpiece)
17) Alien (codepoke got this one wrong)
18) NASV (over the Net I usually read ESV, although I didn't list it as a choice, and I enjoy the KJV and NIV both as well)
19) Wal-Mart (although you really can't win with this one)
20) Florida (SEC baby!!! Although it won't hurt my feelings if George Mason wins it all)
Anyone who wants to copy my answers to get them all correct and a 100% A+, feel free. Joking, of course.
Go Gos songs:
We Got the Beat
===> Still a fun song today. Hmmmmmm Rich, I wonder what made you put this on your list?
Tie: Luke and/or John
I gotta go with the real doctor or the doctor of love.
Where life begins
Teen Titan sans Robin:
Old West Outlaw:
Doc Holliday <== not a real outlaw.
Tucco or Angel Eyes would be my movie pick.
Old West Hero:
Davy Crockett
Maybe it is just John Wayne I Like.
Classic Rock Frontman:
Roger Daltrey - The best from your list.
Biblical Name Starting w/ "J" Not Jesus:
==> okay I have vested interest in this one.
Active Non-English Language:
==> Hebrew and Japanese are more interesting to me... but this one was on your list.
Popular Modern U.S. Presidents: RWR
==> No Contest... Ronnie was the greatest president of the 20th century
Popular Foundation U.S. Presidents:
===> He was the original all others followed his lead.
Middle Earth Beings:
===> girls like Liv Tyler, Kate Blanchet and guys like Orlando Bloom and Mr Smith (From The Matrix) nice company.
Action Heroes:
Bruce Willis
===> Yippe Kay yeah!
Grisham Books to Movies:
The Client
===> Best adaption
Food/Candy Rockers:
Goo Goo Dolls
===> Slide and Black Ballons are awesome songs.
Sci Fi Monsters:
===> Predator, Species, Aliens... morons.
Bible Version Read Most:
===> Really New King James, but this is close enough.
Discount Shopping:
===> Clean nice stores.
Final Four:
===> They look the best, but heh! I couldn't pick a single final-four... what do I know!
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