Two lines and word, that's all we ask, two lines and a word.
I'll get us started with a couplet about The Realm of Possibility and then give the first word of the next couplet. Your job is to follow suit by picking up where the previous commenter left off. Be creative, and while your two lines should rhyme with each other, they need not rhyme with anyone else's. But they should continue the story line. Hopefully, the end result will be clever, humorous, and well-written.
Here's the start:
"There’s a land, full of life, on the net
A land free of charge, but in debt
To... "
Who's Next??
Le Poignard
We all know I'm obsessed with not using the mouse, right?
Or maybe I'm obsessed with not switching between keyboard and mouse!
I'd like to introd...
5 years ago
Man am I in a critical mood. I am sorry if I am popping baloons tonight. Your couplet is incomplete. The first line has 9 syllables and the the second has 8.
Might I suggest:
There's land full, of life, on the net,
It's a land free of charge, but in debt.
Where the milk and honey freely flow,
Where a person's thoughts go to and frow
Wasn't Doug supposed to play off your word "to", Ken? And then give me (or whoever is next) a word to begin with? Since he didn't, I'll go my own way. [And what's a "frow" anyway? - Just kidding, Doug]
"Both genius and madman there do abide,
Asking those with wisdom, choose a side
Ooops... I didn't see that... very sorry all... so let me continue.
"For when one is on the net, none will rest
A man's integrity is put to the test
A thousand points to Rich for following instructions.
Five hundred points to Dug for attention to meter and posting two couplets.
And minus five hundred points from Dug for misspelling "balloons" and "fro".
Continuing the couplets:
"So through your kind comments, Rich must hear
That as our madman, he’s still a dear
Never... "
Spelling is over-rated.
So is Gramar.
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